Friday, August 02, 2013

Too much to worry about, Americans focus on Simon Cowell's love child

When writing on the subject of military desertion, Marine Commandant Major William Ward Burrows long ago opined, “We will never stop this scourge until we can shoot one or two.”  So it is with treason.  The United States has seen the likes of Jonathon Pollard, Aldrich Ames and John Walker locked up for long prison terms.  Still, we have Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning in the news today, which leads this - for the most part - anti-death penalty advocate calling for Commandant Burrows’ solution for the problem of treason.  Hang a couple of them.

A Marine Staff Sergeant once told me, “You know sir, if we could shoot the worst Marine in the battery every week after the last formation on Friday, by the second week, we’d be shooting a pretty good Marine.”  I think he was kidding.

Had Manning been found guilty of the treason he no doubt committed, marched out of the courthouse and promptly hung, anyone thinking about committing treason would give it further very careful consideration.

OK enough of the happy talk.  Need more proof we’re screwed?

Militarization of the police force

Destruction of the actual military

Unaccountable and corrupt government

Unaccountable and corrupt government II

Unaccountable and corrupt government III

Unaccountable and corrupt government IV

Nothing but happy, happy, happy news here.

I am of the opinion that the main reason that this type of corruption can exist on such a grand scale is a compliant lapdog lame stream media.  These charlatans will have to be held to account at some point.  Also, Republi-Rats with no stomach for a fight need to be unceremoniously dumped.

Well there’s a enough there to keep any freedom loving sane person awake over the weekend until Lex’s next rant on Monday morning.

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