Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Sarcasm is fun

I saw this bit of trite and bad sarcasm in the Sunday issue of Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette:

Who told everyone they could have an opinion?

What the H is wrong with this country? Nowadays a wannabe cop vigilante can’t even gun down a black kid in the street without a bunch of left-wing sissies freaking out.

Back in my day us Americans all believed in Jesus and were morally correct. We stood as one and believed in discrimination and prejudice. We didn’t have time for all this Internet nonsense. We were too busy writing letters to the editor condemning free speech and peaceful protest.

I just don’t know what is going to become of the good ol’ US of A, what with everyone thinking they have a right to express their own opinion. Let’s hope we can get this country back to the good old days when conservative old white guys were in charge, before it’s too late.

BRAD HUFF Fort Wayne

So Lex gave it a shot:

Sarcasm is fun.  For instance: Brad Huff’s letter in Sunday’s JG was reeeeeeely clever.  Let’s try this:

What the heck is wrong with this country?  Since when can’t a wannabe MMA thug minority kid on marijuana and while in possession of two-thirds of the ingredients of the new hit codeine based joy juice called “lean,” assault a man watching out for his community, beating his head into the concrete until he’s unconscious or worse, without the right-wing going all self-defense and stand your ground?

Back in my day, kids were laying in the mud and their own excrement, getting high,  spreading sexually transmitted diseases, and voting Democrat…two or three times.  We didn’t have time to get informed.  We just voted for the guys giving away the most free stuff.

I just don’t know what is going to become of the good ol’ US of A, what with 17 TRILLION dollars of debt, fewer people working than in the last 30 years, 47 million people on food stamps, 10 million on disability, welfare rolls exploding.  Let’s hope we can this country back to the good old days of uninformed leftist race baiters dividing the country and tearing it apart.  No, wait.  We are there.  Well, at least we still have the leftist utopia of Detroit.

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