Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Gov Cumo certified Idiot

Staking out the radical left for 2016, NY Gov Andy Cumo told NYers that there was no place in a pretty big state for NYers who are “pro life,” who are “pro assault weapon,” and/or are “anti gay.”  There’s a lot there to parse.  First off in an effort to walk back his idiocy a bit, the Gov took exception to certain people on the right saying Gov. wanted pro lifers, pro gun, pro traditional marriage people to leave the state.  Gov Cumo says he never said they “should leave the state."  OK fine those words were never uttered, but if you “have no place” in NY where do stand, sit, lie down or live in a state that has “no place” for you?  I would think if you pulled up to a motel and walked into the office and the manager said there’s “no place for you", you’d go back to your car and drive up the road, so.

But look at the language.  There is no place for someone who is “pro life.”  Odd huh?  Does that mean people who oppose capital punishment should leave Cumo’s state?  Yeah he’s arrogant enough to regard NY as “his state.”  When did Pro life become a bad thing?  Separate that term from the abortion issue and you’d think about 99.99999% would be pro life.  The fact is that with the advances in ultrasound technology, on the eve of the Roe Supreme Court decision, more and more people are becoming “pro life.”   And here’s the crusher for the left, the largest growth is among young people where a majority when confronted with an ultrasound picture believe that what they are looking at is a baby.  The rest are just trying to kid themselves.

With regard to “pro assault weapons,” I’d accept the Gov’s premise if he could define the term “assault weapon” in less than one type written page that didn’t include nearly every weapon out there.  The fact is Cumo, like most on the left, is absolutely clueless about guns.  Are semi-automatic hand guns OK?  No.  Are revolvers OK?  No.  Are pump shotguns OK?  No.  Are double barrel shotguns OK?  No.  Are rifles OK?  That depends, is it an assault weapon?  Semi automatic hunting rifle?  No.  Bolt action then?  No.  Here’s the truth about Cumo and most on the left, unless it’s used by someone assigned to protect their own worthless azzes, they are against ALL guns.  If they cannot control the gun, they will control the ammo.  If not the ammo, then they will control the sale of the weapon.  If they cannot control that, they will control where and when you can carry it.  Hey America, it’s all CONTROL.

Anti-gay?  What’s that?  I assume he’s talking about anti gay marriage.  So if you hold the same position as every other prominent Demo-Dope as little as a year and a half ago, you’re a bigot.  If you read and believe the Bible, but hate NO ONE like Phil Robertson, you’re a bigot.  As is often the case with those on the left, there is more hate and intolerance in Como's own statement than there is in anyone at whom his intolerant statement is directed.

I’ve telling Mrs. Lex that we should go to NY and see the sites.  I want to go to the city and to West Point.  I will probably opt to go somewhere where I feel bit more welcome.  Omaha, NE is intriguing now for some reason I can’t quite put my finger on.

From the YGBSM file
Apparently Staples has a plan to team with the Post Office to provide some postal service in Staples stores. In 3, 2, 1, right on cue Postal Union thugs started whining.  The move, they claim, will threaten union Postal jobs.  Huh?  Hello!  Postal union!  Anyone home?

Staples is going to kill the Post Office?  Earth to postal union, you’re on your death bed now, IDIOTS.  You’d think that anyone willing to team up with a dying dinosaur would be appreciated by the sick dinosaur.  Nope.  “Let me die in peace, quickly, you bastard” shouted the sickly dinosaur.  Staples asked, “Please just let me take the 9 inch knife called the Internet from the middle of your back.”  “No!  I’m fine.  Go away.”  Suit yourself.

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