Monday, January 13, 2014

No disrespect sir, but...

I’m no great Glenn Beck fan.  I used to be, but lately he seems more unhinged than usual.  But I have to take his side in the brouhaha between Marcus Luttrell and Jake Tapper.  Tapper foolishly referred to the loss of life in the Navy SEAL mission that inspired Luttrell’s best selling book and now hit movie Lone Survivor as “senseless.”  Here’s Tapper’s quote: “It seemed senseless. I don’t mean to disrespect in any way, but it seemed senseless — all of these wonderful people who were killed for an op that went wrong.”

Luttrell hit back hard at Tapper.  Luttrell said: “We spend our whole lives training to defend this country and then we were sent over there by this country — so you’re telling me because we were over there doing what we were told by our country that it was senseless? And my guys — what? They died for nothing?”

Tapper has been backpedaling ever since claiming “senseless” and “nothing” aren’t the same thing.  In context, “senseless” is probably a distinction without a difference to “nothing.”  Let’s see what Mr. Webster has to say:

sense·less adjective \ˈsen(t)s-ləs\
: done or happening for no reason
—used after beat, knock, etc., to say that someone is hurt badly and becomes unconscious
: stupid or foolish

OK Jake which of those meanings do you want to attach to the SEAL mission?  Tapper wants us to go back and check his reporting from Iraq and Afghanistan so we’ll know just how much he loves and respects the troops.  Sorry Jake, every military guy out there knows when someone says, “no disrespect sir, but…,” something very disrespectful is about to follow.  So it is with Tapper’s, “I don’t mean to disrespect in any way, but it seemed senseless.”  That seems to me very disrespectful and callous to boot to Luttrell and the families of those fallen during that mission.

If those deaths were “senseless” Jake, how would you describe the deaths of all the Americans who died in Falujah, Ramadi etc after our king and his nit wit assistant king cut and ran from Iraq?  Al Qaida flags now fly over those cities.  Pretty senseless huh?  Why not take the first three minutes of your show today and try to explain to us just how badly King SFB miscalculated his Iraq exit strategy which has snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.  King SFB lost Iraq.  It’s is the king and only the king who is a senseless moron with regard to the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Genius Squirrels
Ever forget where you put your car keys?  It's frustrating as heck looking all over.  And as we all do checking and rechecking the same places again and again.  If I've learned one thing about locating a misplaced item it is this, you have to expand the search.  Looking in the same places is as fruitless as blaming the wife or kids or dog for moving it.  Then hours later after pulling off all the sofa cushions, emptying the junk drawer, crawling on your hands and knees through the entire house you put on your coat on to check the car.  You put your hand in your coat pocket and, damn!

Here's another truism in finding a misplaced item, it will always turn up in the last place you look, so start there.  Think about it.  Someone will chuckle at that at about 8 o'clock tonight when the light comes on.

Well global warming took a break this weekend and temps reached into the 40s here at the compound.  Yeah, weird isn’t it?  You wouldn't think warmer temps were an indication of the easing of global warming.  But if the cold is caused by warming, as warm-mongers told us when it was -17, then doesn’t it stand to reason that when it warms up the warming has stopped?  Hmm, that's a brain twister brought to you by leftist idiots.

Anyhoo, it warmed up and I had a chance to watch squirrels come into my snow covered yard and dig through the remaining 4” of snow to retrieve nuts they had buried in the fall.  It was amazing.  They’d hop around, stop, and dig through the snow and come up with a nut.  I can’t find my property markers with a map and GPS.  So who’s the smart one?  I wonder if squirrels can be trained to find car keys?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin....
I remember a few years ago a CNN panel hounding a general at the VA for substandard conditions at a building at Walter Reed Hospital. The day the general was canned every panelist strutted that this is why they became "journalists". Was the building issues corrected? Who knows. It was NEVER followed up. That is course was not the point. Jake Tapper threw up a BS question wanting the former SEAL to blame his superiors. That would then a be "news" story. Tapper is a dem-advocate-progressive-"journalist" that has won numerous awards over the 4 years for his coverage of the WH. Coverage is very loose word here. I would classify him as the lead WH lap dog. And CNN deserves to see its' ratings lower than the Topeka Sheepherders Quarterly. "Jake sir, meaning no disrespect, SOME are asking if CNN exec's will continue their senseless quest for the bottom of the ratings, even though you are working hard to prevent it?"