Wednesday, January 29, 2014

State of the King SFB reign

I didn’t watch King Pretender lie his lying azz off for an hour last night.  I did catch some the reaction to King Pantload’s remarks though.  What struck me as I surfed around were the number of people who thought the speech was the State of King Quack’s Reign.  These pundits traded SOKQR for SOTU if you will.  Did the king do enough tonight to repair his tattered reputation from lying his scrawny azz off for the last 5 years – was the meme for many.  The answer seemed to be a universal, no.

But really, who gives a crap?  Everyone who does not have their head firmly planted up their butt knows that King Fraud treats the truth like a piece of .20 gage wire that is there solely for the purpose of the king to bend in any manner he chooses to fit his narrative.   This idea of a malleable truth goes all the way back to the 2009 stimulus that was supposed get unemployment below 6% in a year with “shovel ready” jobs.  When nothing of note was produced from a barrowed trillion dollar effort, King Douche shrugged and claimed the “Bush economy” was worse than he knew.

Then there’s the king’s unilateral effort to “give America a raise.”  This idea is troubling on a couple of levels.  First, the government doesn’t “give America a raise.”  Employers give their employees raises based on the effort of the employee and the health of the company.  Government should have no seat at the table negotiating the wages of employees.

But King Clueless took it upon himself to give a 40% raise to contracted government employees.  If I recall my freshman economics class during one of my five-and-half years at THE Ohio State University, there was this guy Adam Smith who claimed that money in and of itself was worthless paper.  If it had real value the government could just print it up, hand it out and we’d all be rich.  What the money represents is a good or service that some one has sold.

What King SFBs has decided is that the least skilled among us are now worth $10 an hour.  The king has decreed such weather or not the employee can provide a service that brings a $10 an hour or greater benefit to the employer.  When the employer has to pay the employees more for their services than those services provide in return, the company goes broke unless the employer lays off some of his employees, or charges more for his goods and services.  As the cost of goods and services increase to keep pace with government’s interference, the $10 an hour wage is eroded to true market value.

If it didn’t work that way we could hire a teenager to do a lousy job cutting our grass and pay him $35 an hour for his half-hearted effort and everything would be fine.  We’d all be driving Corvettes and living like the swells over in Twin Eagles.  But it does not work that way.  When such schemes are attempted instead of raising the standard of living, the standard is in fact lowered.  It’s easier to lower the standard for everyone than it is to raise everyone to higher standard.

Instead of driving Corvettes and living in Twin Eagles under such schemes it is about 10,000 times more likely that the scheme will reduce us all to living in 400 sq ft apartments and taking broken down public transportation to the beet farm where we’d still be 60% short of meeting the government’s five year goal for beet production.  But hey, we’re all making the government’s minimum wage, so everything is fine…right?

Then there’s King Turdmerchant’s claim that “climate change is a fact.” Uh, yeah, no one disputes that.  The climate has been changing on Earth since the planet first started to cool.  The questions are:  Is man responsible for the change?  Is the change necessarily a bad thing?  Can US government policy unilaterally correct the natural or man-made climate change?

Here’s your Three Stooges unintended consequence event of the day courtesy of the Griffin.  In an effort to get their corn crops to market, farmers used an inordinate amount of propane fuel to dry the corn so it could be turned into ethanol.  So there’s oddity #1, using a fossil fuel to dry a crop so it can be turned into an eco-friendly fossil fuel.  It is so stupid on the face of it, that it could ONLY happen with substantial government subsidy and interference.  Why not just run the cars on propane?  Oddity #2 the crop drying has created a propane shortage in one of the coldest winters on record.  King Dope said CLIMATE CHANGE not WARMING!  So now we have people freezing and their pipes busting during a period of global warming because the government insists on subsidizing the burning of our food for fuel.  Meanwhile, as we dry and burn corn, the cost of propane, meat and cereal continue to rise through the roof.  Mark Steyn said that America is one of the dumbest societies in history for burning its food.  For those with empty propane tanks with temps below zero Styen is right.

Meanwhile in Caligula D.C. Larry, Curly and Moe insist that everything is fine because, after all, we’re reducing our carbon footprint and everyone's making $10 an hour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin....Roving Lex Reporter During SOTU....
I was roving back and forth from the kitchen to the Lazy Boy last night, listening to Big Daddy SFB Warbucks, when like a bar drunk he said, "Give everyone a raise! America needs to give everyone a raise!". He must have spontaneous turrets syndrome. Was that a real thought? This from the AC-DC people that have driven us into a $17 trillion dollar debt, while playing public service announcements telling the average Joe how to cut their credit card debt? He and his entourage are desperate. Rather than provide solid and practical economic advice, he reminds us of Harvey Korman panicking to find his bathtub "Ducky" in the movie Blazing Saddles. Harvey's half wit assistant reached into the soapy water and grabbed something that was not Ducky. It was the same thing and only thing King SFB was holding last night. King Voidhead could have just repeated what Slim Pickens said in the aforementioned movie, " Someone has got to go back to town and get a sh** load of dimes".