Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pols are of Caligula D.C. not America

Two years ago long- time IN Senator Richard Lugar lost a primary bid to State Treasurer Richard Mourdock.  Among other things, Mourdock pilloried Lugar over the fact that Lugar had not established a residence in Indiana – the state he claimed to represent.  Lugar was first elected to the senate in 1976.  He was reelected 5 times.  That’s 36 years in the US Senate.

At some point Lugar became a man of Caligula D.C.  He sold his home in Indiana to hang with his pals in D.C.  I’m sure he maintained offices in all the key precincts of Indiana, but he only came back to the state he “represented” to raise money and campaign.

He probably looked at those trips as inconvenient necessities.  He was like a pampered prince who, in order to maintain his birthright, was forced to sit through the king’s state of the kingdom speech once every six years.  Oh the agony.  All the prince wanted to do was to get back to his royal friends to be fitted into the finest fashion for the next royal ball.

It must have shown, because Lugar got hammered 61%-39% in the primary.  Then Lugar did not do one thing to help Mourdock out.  You see, Lugar was much, much more important to Lugar than Indiana, the nation or the party.

After getting canned from the senate Lugar did what pols do.  He set up a lobbying firm called The Lugar Center.  When you visit the web site, you are greeted by a beautiful field of corn with a grain silo in background.  It could be Anywhere, Indiana.  I thought the guy had finally come home.  Then I checked the contact information.  The Lugar Center is located in, wait for it, wait for it, waaaait for it, Caligula D.C.  Lugar remains a BS merchant extraordinaire.

So when I see a story where another Republi-RAT – Pat Roberts KS - has not even bothered to establish residency in the state he supposedly represents, two things come to mind.  1)  The guy is a D.C. butthead who is part of the problem.   2)  The guy is an ignorant and/or arrogant butthead for not correcting the problem two years ago when he saw a fellow butthead get his azz handed to him. Watch the devastating ad on this subject that Roberts’ challenger has put together.

Roberts entered the senate 1997 after serving 16 years in the house.  That’s 32 years in office in Caligula D.C.  Roberts needs to be sent home.  No.  Wait.  D.C. is his home.  Roberts needs to have the opportunity to set up The Roberts Center for Washed Up Go Along To Get Along RAT Senators.  The people of KS should fire his old worthless conniving azz.

The Monica problem for the Shrilldabeast
I’ve heard it said that the Monica and Bill dalliance is an old story.  That’s true, but it’s the oldness of the story that makes it a big problem for the Shrilldabeast.  The scandal is so old that most millennials have not been, uh excuse the pun, exposed to it.  That makes it new to a whole lot of voters.  That makes it a big problem for Shrilldabeast.

Mitt Romney said that Monica and Bill shouldn’t be an issue for the Shrilldabeast.  That’s probably true until she or any Dope operative mentions the Republican “war on women.”  At that point it becomes fair game, and the best rejoinder would be the response of Kathleen Willey, one of Billy Boy Billbo’s many grope victims, “[The Shrilldabeast] is the war on women.”

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