Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Thank heaven global warming is arriving

Temps have finally broken here in Ft. Wayne.  It hit 43 yesterday!  That is as sure a sign of global warming – or what we refer to as spring – as anything.  Today we will see high 30s.  Tomorrow it’ll hit near 50!  That’s the good news.  The bad news is we have about 18” of snow still sitting on the ground.

Prediction:  The snow will melt.  That is sign of global warming.  The snow and ice will clog storm sewers.  That’s sign of global warming.  The sewers will back up causing flooding.  That is a sign of global warming.  As sure as I’m sitting here the coming floods, caused by excess snow fall and melt, will be blamed on global warming.  After all warming causes snow to melt.

Commenting on global warming, some bright guy once opined that if everything proves your thesis, your thesis proves nothing.  I guess that’s where we are.  Every condition - or what mom and dad called the weather – is said to be caused by global warming.  But now that the warming has stopped for the last 17 years – we call it climate change.  After all we have four seasons, so who can say that the weather/climate isn’t in a near constant state of flux?  Flat Earth climate change deniers, that’s who.

Ten or even 5 years ago, I do not recall any of the leading proponents of global warming AlGore, any of the Hollywood swells or even 60 Minutes telling me we’d be freezing our butts off just before the Earth turned to cinder under our feet.  You’d think given their faith in the ability of their models to reliably predict “climate change,” those models would have caught polar ice expanding 900,000 square miles and one of the coldest snowiest winters on record.  And that draught in CA is problem as well.  The models actually predict a wetter climate due to warming.  Hmmmm, oh well.  There’s nothing to see here.   Move along.

Meanwhile King Dumbazz took the airwaves again yesterday to discuss another something he knows nothing about (an endless list) - fuel efficient trucks.  I have to ask, given the cost of fuel, does King Dumbazz think that if there were savings to be had out there the manufacturers wouldn’t be jumping all over them?  Besides, I thought ethanol (also known as burning our food) was going to save us.

One thing is certain, profit pushes innovation.  Business people tend to take a long look at things.  They will invest millions to save a few bucks but over time the few bucks pile up to a few billion bucks.  Whatever King Dumbazz does to stifle business, they will be 10 steps ahead.  While king Dumbazz was talking about fuel efficient trucks WalMart was introducing it’s own concept truck.
That’s the problem with the government mandating a “minimum wage.”  Business can determine the minimum wage it is willing to pay an entry level employee. A prospective employee is capable of determining what the minimum wage he is willing to perform a certain job.  So when the swells in Caligula D.C. decide arbitrarily that $10.10 IS the minimum wage, business will respond.  CBO says 500,000 will lose their jobs.  Way to go Barry.  You’re doing a heck of job.
It amazes me that when these government know-nothing masterminds sit back and think that they can dictate to business how business will be done.  They act as if business doesn’t get a vote.  When an employer has to pay an entry level guy $10.10, he may decide that he can do without that employee.  Or, what about automation?   Considering the difference between paying $10.10 to a couple of guys, the employer may decide that it is just as efficient to automate.  Maybe brick and mortar Sears become nothing more than distribution centers catering to the Internet crowd.  Maybe the waiter at your favorite restaurant is replaced by a menu and a keypad at your table.  Maybe GPS controlled mowers cut your grass automatically after the first mowing is recorded.
It amazes me when the masterminds think they can do to us whatever they want and we’ll just sit back and take it or “shelter in place” like sheep.  CO passed a law restricting magazine capacity.  MagPul magazine company left CO taking with it thousands of jobs, millions in tax revenue and maybe billions in economic stimulus.  The same is true in NY.  Anti-gun zealots chased Remington Arms from the state.
But the masterminds are nothing if not arrogant bastards.  You see they know what is best for us.  We just need to sit back, “shelter in place” and let them administer to our every need – or at least to what the masterminds have determined to be our needs - one cup of gruel, one 60 watt CFL light bulb, one 160 sq ft aprt, one roll of toilet paper, one can of beets.  When our King Dunbazz talks of "equality," this is what it means.

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