Monday, March 31, 2014

Amnesty crowd are the real racists

If you think Republi-Rats are their way to sweeping the mid-terms, think again.  It never surprises me how blubbering crybaby John Boehner et al are able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory time after time.  Need proof?  Here’s how a Republican majority in both houses of congress gets torpedoed by establishment Rat coconspirators.

Paul Ryan says amnesty is not a matter of “if” but “when.”  Of course Ryan’s comments were to a Hispanic group, so it may have been typical political pandering, but since the comment sells out his own constituency, I doubt it.

Rat Congresswomen, Ana Navarro and Renee Elmers called constituents who oppose amnesty, ignorant racists.  Nice.

Let me set you straight on who the real racists are.  People who support moving one group of people to the head of the line over everyone already standing in that line, are the real racists.  People who advocate for amnesty are the real racist.  It is they who want to pander to Hispanics over, Africans, Asian and Europeans.  Demo-Dopes and pandering Republi-Rats are happy to move law-breaking Hispanics ahead of everyone else.  Isn’t that why Rosa parks refused to give her seat on the bus in Montgomery?  Whites got to sit at the head of the line, blacks had to move to the back.  How is amnesty different?  I'll wait for an answer.

Today the so called Demo-Dope champions of “civil rights,” so ordained by the press and public education not by action, are advocating affirmative action and amnesty.  Both of those policies are racist to the core. 

The Dopes tout their “comprehensive immigration reform.”  It is nothing more than an amnesty bill that places Hispanic criminals and law-breakers at the front of the immigration line.  They discriminate against every other person who, due to the happenstance of their geography, cannot willy-nilly violate the sanctity of our southern border.  There is absolutely no reason what-so-ever to place an Hispanic vegetable picker at the front of the immigration line ahead of say an Asian engineer just because the former had the advantage of geographical proximity to break our laws.

I’m all for fair immigration reform that does not include the word “comprehensive.”  We know what happens when this government engages in anything with the word “comprehensive” associated with it.  We got comprehensive tax reform with the income tax in 1913.  Would anyone say that the IRS is doing a good job?  We got comprehensive retirement reform with SS reform in 1935.  How’s that system working out?  The SS Ponzi scheme is constantly on the verge of going broke.  We got comprehensive healthcare reform in 2010.  Nuf said about that one.

A fair immigration bill would actually be several bills.  First there would be a bill dealing with the security of our southern border.  That bill would require governors to certify that their state’s border is secure.  You cannot have a lawless punk president who thinks he is a king certifying anything.  He needs to isolated and ignored just as he chooses what laws he will ignore.  He cannot be trusted. Period.  So do not trust him.  Period.

Only when the border has been secured can the current crop of illegal aliens be dealt with.   They should be required to leave.  Go to the end of the line and wait like everyone else.  Don’t give me that you cannot deport 12 million people BS.  The fact is, yes you can if you have the will.  Don’t give me the heartstring BS argument of grandmas who have been here for 30 years or youngster dragged here by their parents BS either.  If those sub-sets of couple of million people deserve special consideration, give them special consideration.  Do not just open the flood gate to a class of 12 million law breakers.

Establish fair temporary worker permits to all who wish to come here to work not just those who can wander across the border.  Offer American citizenship to those with skill sets in demand and who are willing to assimilate into American culture.  That would mean no more hyphenated Americans.

The roach still stealing oxygen 
Harry the roach Reid is the most despicable sub-human POS drawing a breath in America today.  He is a liar.  He is a thief.  And when he said “This war is lost,” while Americans were still in the field fighting that war, he became the Iraq war’s Jane Fonda - a treasonous bastard giving aid and comfort to America’s enemies.  Here is the comprehensive tip sheet on just what a loathsome turd herder the roach and his entire brood of no talent government tit suckers are.  

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