Thursday, March 13, 2014

Dopes not just stupid, evil as well

We know that there is plenty of evidence to prove that Dopes are just plain stupid.  Take Sheila Jackson Lee…please.  In comments yesterday, she claimed that the US has been operating under its constitution for 400 years.  Hank Johnson piped up, “That’s only a bit longer than when the aliens built the Egyptian pyramids over in Hong Kong.”

Leftists rely on their lapdog goons to carry the water for them to relay the word to the masses that all Republicans are “evil” when the exact opposite is true.  Making Dopes both stupid AND evil.  Colossal dumbazz Joe Biden once told a black audience that Republicans wanted to put them back in chains.  That is evil and offensive on all kinds of levels, but which party was it that supported slavery in the first place – Dopes.  Which party was it that supported Jim Crow – Dopes.  Which party was it that opposed the 15th Amendment granting blacks the right to vote – Dopes.  Which party was it that subverted the law with poll taxes and literacy tests – Dopes.  Which party was it that lynched blacks across the old south – Dopes.  Which party was it that turned the fire hoses on blacks – Dopes.  Which party was it that blocked the school house doors- Dopes.  Which party was responsible for beating blacks in Selma – Dopes.  Which party was it who ordered blacks to the back of the bus – Dopes.  Which party opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 – Dopes.  Which party opposed the voting rights act of 1965 – Dopes.   Who were the old segregationists – Dopes.  Who is it today that refers to successful blacks, or blacks who study in school as “Uncle Toms” – Dopes.  Yet blacks vote for the Dopes to the tune of 96%.

Dopes want to expand the school lunch program 798%.  When a Republican suggests that maybe mom or dad could stick a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a bag for little Johnny, Dopes scream “Republicans want to starve children!  They’re eeeeevil.”

In what will go down as one of the greatest calamities of the human race, Dopes support all manner of abortion up to live birth and will not even support the life of a child who survives an abortion.  King SFB supports destroying a child who has survived an abortion. That is the face of evil.

Dopes run ads showing granny in a wheelchair being pushed over a cliff by a Republican then pass legislation that includes panels whose purpose it is to withhold life saving medicine to seniors who have outlived their usefulness.  Robertscare death panels are indeed evil.  But, you can bet King SFB, his minions and all of the Caligula D.C. crowd won’t be denied whatever medical needs they require no matter how old and useless they become.  And yes, they are already pretty useless.

Dopes buy votes by touting the illusion of “equality.”  As if Lex's checkbook is ever going to be equal to Warren Buffet's, Michael Jordan's or even this weeks mega millions winner.  Without any government help, I'm already equal in all of the areas that matter.  But Dopes perpetuate the evil that when someone makes a buck, it’s only because they have taken it from you and that true equality amounts to assets only.  They trap people into believing the only way to survive is for the evil mastermind swells in Caligula D.C. to determine an equitable share for everyone.  One thing is sure, the mastermind’s will make sure that their share is significantly more equal than the peasant’s share.

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