Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Worthless speck Reid speaks = lies

We managed to miss a snow storm last night - hallelujah!  That good news means the only thing really peeing me off this morning is the lying, thieving, senile, old, bastard Harry the roach Reid blaming Republicans for Putin marching into Crimea.  It is no secret to the two faithful readers of this page that Lex loathes the roach.  In fact of all the ruling class morons who populate Caligula D.C. the roach has the honor of being the first one I’d have stripped naked, horse whipped, tarred, feathered and forced to low crawl on his belly out of town over a 10 mile trail of broken glass imbedded in piles of King SFB’s excrement – of which, since he’s full of it, I’m sure there is a rather endless supply.

Is that the “new tone” Lex?  Why, yes it is.  You should have seen what I had before I cleaned it up.

The only thing worse than the roaches outrageous lie is the Republican reaction to the lie, which is to say there was no reaction.  The roach lies and Republicans clear the field for the worthless old bastard.  That is only slightly less infuriating than the lie itself.  It is also why I believe that the whole bunch is in cahoots.

In that regard, there is also good news.  Another true conservative voice who happens to be a minority has emerged.  T. W. Shannon has been endorsed by Sarah Palin and Mark Levin in the OK Republican senate primary to fill Dr. Tom Coburn’s seat. A conservative minority candidate means growing the conservative (read constitutional) movement.  I sent him $10.   I’m sure that sum will push him toward some kind of fund raising record in OK and further endear me to the comptroller here at the compound when she checks the MC bill.  Check him out and contribute if you can.  It might help save America, but there's no pressure here.  It's just America.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
Reid has lost the Senate war. He has drown. He has not paid his taxes. He lost the Crimea. He is racist. He is nuts. And so it goes. This morning on Morning Joe the whole panel was ducking what Reid said. I suspect the political pendulum is swinging back so hard that these nutballs are in a panic. Kind of like seeing an old western movie where the guy hanged just kicks out until the rope finishes the job. So much for grace and dignity in the Senate. Reid will continue to say crazy things. Sad to think he could full blown, certifiably mentally ill, demented, and no one in his party would take the gavel from him. He could show up dressed up like the AFLAC duck and no would question it. I can't wait for his next one.