Friday, August 15, 2014

If you could do one thing to make the world a better place, what would it be? Kill all the ITF.

Yeah, sure you can negotiate with people like this.  Why not?
There’s a problem in the world today.  OK there are a lot of problems in the world today.  Islamo-Terror-Fascists are kidnapping school girls in Africa when they aren’t simply lopping their heads off.  ITF are raising hell in Iraq and Syria and threatening to spill into Jordan.  ITF continue their quest for nuclear weapons in Iran.  ITF have lobbed thousands of rockets into Israel and openly call for genocide against every Jew in the Middle East – hell the world.  Hell when you get down to it, they call for the genocide of everyone who isn’t a Muslim and every Muslim who isn’t their particular brand of Muslim.

So let’s back to the original point.  There are a lot of problems in the world today, but they all seem to stem from the same group of murderous people – Islamo-Terror-Fascists.  Back in my glory days as a US Marine, there was a discharge for “frequent involvement.”  That was for the guy who was never convicted of assaulting a guy but was there when it happened, or never got convicted of theft but had stolen goods in his possession; in short he was never proven to be the actual perp but was always in the vicinity when the trouble was going down.

Since the ITF seem to always be in and around and the root cause of a good portion of the world’s problems, if the world had a “frequent involvement” discharge we could rid ourselves of this human garbage.  Realistically though, the only “discharge” this human scum recognizes is the discharge from a high powered rifle that passes through their human shield – who volunteers for that duty -  and explodes in their hate filled heart.

Like rats in the basement, you cannot coexist with ITF vermin.  No accommodation to them is ever sufficient.  The only recourse is to wipe them out.  But there’s no military solution to these problems – the oh so smart lapdog MSM whine.  Wrong!  There’s no political will for the military solution that is the ONLY solution to the problem.

Proof?  Israel is in a fight for its very existence.  It is doing what is necessary.  It is killing ITF bastards by the score.  The west doesn’t like that because it shoots a rather large whole into the “there’s no military solution” theory.  So the weak kneed west demand Israel stop the only action ITF understands lest the world discover that there is a military solution to dealing with 12th century ITF weasels.  TES’s administration and Britain have gone so far as to threatening to withhold ammunition from Israel to defend herself.  If Israel were to actually defeat Hamas militarily, the wannabe GOFOs might have to push women’s hairstyles, military balls and dress uniform decisions to the bottom of the “to do list” and have to actually do their job of fighting battles and winning wars. 

Even the Pope has concluded that the ITF in Iraq need to be contained by force.  How gobsmackingly rare is it for a Pope to call for armed action?  ISIS, Boko Haram, Hamas and all the other ITF BS flags are birds of a feather.  They are everywhere – check it out here.  But hey don’t worry.  TES is managing it all from the Martha’s Vineyard golf course. Yesterday during his presser, TES declared the humanitarian crisis on Mt. Sinjar over.  The people still trapped up there and those doing the trapping haven’t been consulted on that opinion.  TES went on to declare our southern border secure and the 17 trillion dollar US debt paid in full.  Mission accomplished TES returned to the links 6 minutes after his presser. 

I saw the lawyer for a witness to the Michael Brown shooting on Hannity last night.  If I heard correctly, the witness is claiming that the policeman responsible for shooting Brown first tried to pull Brown into his police car by Brown’s throat and shirt.

That’s incredible.  If it’s true, I’d have to say that the cop acted stupidly.  It strains reason to me to believe that a cop would reach out of his unit and try to pull a large man - the lawyer referred to Brown several times as “Big Mike” - into the car through the driver’s side window.  That makes no sense. 

But I still do not know what happened.  As such I’m postponing my looting activities until the facts are known.  Once all the facts are out, then I’ll start to loot no matter who is determined to be at fault.  If the facts show Brown to be culpable in his own death well then - no justice, no peace.  If the cop is determined to have used excessive force well then – no justice, no peace.

The main thing in all of this is that America sucks and I have a reason in the lapdog MSM’s eyes to steal someone else’s property.  And remember no matter how many pictures you see to the contrary, looters are a very small percentage of the protesters.  Who you gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
The problem with what has happened in Ferguson is that it occurred in August. Had it occurred in January or February, the rioting would not have happened. Too cold. I believe history would show rioting as depending on the severity of the transgression and the weather. I am sure we have paid millions of research dollars to dozens of obscure professors to reach this conclusion. I am sure graphs charting this coincidence can be found on line. Of course we cannot include this data during soccer season. It is not weather dependent but is directly related to beer consumption and crooked referees.