“Not exactly news. Adolf Hitler is
quite popular in the lands of the medieval Muslims. And why not; a genocidal
maniac responsible for exterminating six million Jews would naturally be
praised and beloved by a people so ignorant that they actually believe the God
of the universe wants them to murder Jewish school children. It is obvious the
Muslims are too stupid to recognize their peril. They are determined to go too
far, and will. The United States ,
Israel or Great Britain
will suffer a catastrophic attack; and at that point the hateful, medieval
Muslims will reap what they have sown. No matter the degree to which the
leftists in the West hate their countries; and no matter the desire of the
barbaric Muslims to live in the 12th century, when our cities start to
disappear beneath mushroom clouds, the same civilization that destroyed the
Nazis, and the militarists in Japan, will rid the world of these grotesque,
despicable, misogynist animals. God is great!”
Not too
much later, my friend received the first ominous and anonymous threat on his
person. Until recently I’d have blown
such threats off. Until this. The Daily News reports that ITF murdering
freak Ali Muhammad Brown gunned “down at least four men in two states…as revenge
for Muslims killed overseas.”
Why isn’t this national
news? Three reasons, 1) “ITF kills 4 innocent
people” isn’t exactly a headline that gets anyone’s attention any more. It has
been going on since Muhammad hooked up with his first under aged concubine. The only thing that might strike people as
remarkable about that headline would be: Only four? 2) “Angry black man kills four white people” is
another dog bites man scenario. There’s
nothing to see here. Move along. The
police chief assures us, “This is definitely not a hate crime.” 3) It does not fit
the template being established by race baiting, race hustling scoundrels like The
Empty Suit, Eric the wad Holder, Revs? Al and Jesse and their lapdog MSM that racist
has a war on innocent black men.
I think
it is a big deal. We have a perfect
storm brewing here. We have an unsecure
southern border. TX Governor Rick Perry
advises that ISIS has probably already infiltrated operatives inside the US . We have an incompetent federal government that
considers the Tea Party a greater threat to the country than ISIS . The government can rally the IRS, DHS, EPA,
BLM and all manner of federal agency against law abiding Americans wearing
funny hats and carrying clever signs.
That government cannot (more likely will not) secure the southern
border. For this particular group of
incompetents ISIS is the JV. The real enemy is a free America .
For this
bunch of race baiting buffoons, a dead black kid in Ferguson, MO, who may or
may not have been shot in the line of duty, is far more important than four
Americans gunned down by a truly hate filled black ITF. It’s much easier to stir racial animus than
cure it. It’s much easier to make
political hay while dancing on the grave of a dead man than confront ISIS or
even just establish a coherent strategy and message to confront ISIS .
The Empty
Suit has done none of that. ISIS has lopped the head of an American off in front of
the world. TES grieved the loss of Foley
while playing golf. An ITF murderer
killed four Americans. Not a word from
TES. A black kid is killed in MO and the
world stops. TES, the DoJ, the governor
of MO all condemn the police before the investigation into the circumstances of
the shooting are announced. TES ducks
the memorial for Foley and the four murdered Americans but sends 3
representatives to Ferguson
for Michael Brown’s funeral.
What if
the investigation and/or trial prove Michael Brown provoked his own death? What if as a result of the federal government’s
heavy hand in the case and the governor’s insane statement about a “vigorous
prosecution” the trial has to be moved to a lily white county for a fair trial? I’d remind the race baiters, “justice” does
not necessarily mean that Michael Brown was not responsible for his own death.
When all
hell breaks loose after one of those scenarios, you can bet the ISIS ITF will
be standing by to recruit the acolytes of the race baiting, race hustling anti-American
black “leaders.” I feel we are on the
cusp of troubled times. The post racial
empty suit does more to provoke the trouble than calm the waters. The Empty Suit is totally clueless how to
deal with an inspired enemy that will not back down because the MSM called them
racist for opposing The Empty Suit. ISIS cannot be talked out of their mission. The MSM meme of calling everyone who opposes
TES a racist will have no effect on ISIS . They wear that label proudly.
1 comment:
From the Griffin...
The current president is a liar. Has lied, is lying, will lie, and it is habitual. And that is the truth. Sarah Palin said this week that the word Redskins does not offend people, but the word Washington does. And I agree. As we try to determine the extent of the ISIS threat one thing is bankable. Do not believe this president, his inner circle of liars, or the outer circle of liars. The legacy of this president should be that in moments of crisis and in moments of non-crisis, more than half of America knew he was lying. The other half still believe Elvis is alive and The Beatles will reunite. So then we have to try and determine if he is telling big lies, lots of little lies, or somewhere in between. Or how much he is instructing others in the lies of the day. If he says it will be a nice day, wear a raincoat. If he says he is doubling down on something, know he has done nothing. And so it goes. We are on our own. Just remember, every time you see this president on TV remind those around you by saying, "That man is a liar" before he opens his yap. And that is the truth.
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