Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Michael Brown's death a tragedy, 200 plus deaths in Chicago a statistic

Murdering commie Uncle Joe Stalin opined that one death is a tragedy but a million deaths is but a statistic.  There was one death in Ferguson, MO last weekend.  That one death was a tragedy sufficient for a crowd of protesters to turn looters.  That death was tragic enough for the Attorney General - Eric the wad Holder – to send in the FBI to investigate the circumstances of the death, but the murder of a Rabbi while walking to his Synagogue, or white guy killed when struck from behind by a black teen is – well –not sufficiently tragic.  After all, Jews and whites rarely riot.  The shooting death of 18 year old Michael Brown by a police officer was tragic enough for race baiting, riot inspiring, FBI snitch, and total all-round buffoon Al Not-So-SHARPton to show up in Ferguson to stir the pot of racial animus.

Meanwhile a scant 300 miles up I55 from St. Louis, Chicago’s death toll is over 200, which mind bogglingly is down 5% from last year.  Individually each is a tragedy, but since Uncle Joe demands it, here are the mind-numbing stats.  Over 16% of the dead are under the age of 18.  The FBI reports that nationwide 93% of blacks murdered are murdered by other blacks.

As “tragic” as those “statistics” are the congregation-less right Revs? Al and Jesse are nowhere to be found in Chicago or anywhere else their presence might actually do some good.  There is no money or power to be found in black ghettos telling the gang banging, drug dealing, impregnate them and leave them, high school drop out occupants what they desperately need to hear.  It is so much better for the Revs? Al and Jesse to show up somewhere where they can blame the police and/or white people for a problem.

That makes me wonder what religion the Revs? are peddling.  Every week I go to church my real Rev. is telling me that I need to change and I’m not even a gang banging, drug dealing, impregnate them and leave them, high school drop out.  My Rev. NEVER excuses my less than ideal behavior or blames it on someone else.

Maybe I need to get into Rev? Al and Jesse’s religion where all of my personal shortcomings will be pawned off onto someone else.  The last thing I need every Sunday is for someone to tell me that once again I have fallen short of the saintly life God wants me to lead.  Actually, it’s exactly what I need and what most gang banging, drug dealing, impregnate them and leave them, high school drop outs need to hear.  That would require Revs? Al and Jesse to shun the spotlight and actually work with people - mostly poor people.  That is something they are simply not interested in doing.  It’s much easier to blame whitey than to teach personal responsibility.

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