Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Never let the truth get in the way of a good riot and looting

As Charles Dickens might start the Mike Brown story:  Brown was dead, to begin with.  There is no doubt whatever about that.  What else do we know for sure?  Not much. 

We know Brown stole a box of cheap cigars from a convenient store and strong armed the store owner.

We know Brown and his accomplice were contacted by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for walking down the middle of the street.

We know Wilson shot Brown shot six times.

We know none of the shots were in Brown’s back.

Sticking with Dickens here, that pretty thin gruel on which to either  lynch or exonerate Wilson.

Why is there so little information being released by authorities on the circumstances surrounding the shooting?  I don’t know.  If I had to guess I’d say it’s because the information exonerates the police officer.  If people are going to riot and loot while not knowing what the heck happened, how do you think they will respond when police release information showing that the rioter’s hero precipitated his own death?  Information is being withheld to keep a lid on Ferguson.  The truth will be of no comfort to these people. 

No matter what “truth” is told, the riots and looting will continue.  There is no doubt whatever about that either.  Ferguson is being set ablaze by people who have not the slightest idea of really happened to Mike Brown.  Do seriously you suppose then that the truth of the circumstances surrounding Mike Brown’s death is going to make one bit of difference to them? Revs? Al Not-So-SHARPton and Jesse Hymietown Jackson, Eric the wad Holder and The Empty Suit share one thing in common with the looters; they are all race baiting opportunists.  There is nothing to be gained for any of them by restoring order in Ferguson.

So TES is ordering the wad and 40 FBI agents to Ferguson.  For what purpose?  Ferguson is a Dope led town in a state with a Dope Gov.  Why send in the wad?  Why did the wad reportedly try to suppress the video of Brown robbing the convenient store?  How heavily are the wad and TES willing to press their thumbs against the scale of justice?

If Ferguson is such a crisis, how many FBI agents are working the VA’s culpability in the deaths of over 40 veterans?  How many FBI agents are working to stop the weekly carnage in Chicago?  How many FBI agents are working the IRS targeting of US citizens for political reasons?  The wad and the FBI are sent to Ferguson with lightening speed but couldn’t get into Benghazi for a month?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin....
Eric the Wad has not sent 40 FBI agents there to find nothing. The feds will file charges against the City of Ferguson for something like " A consistent long term denial of civil rights of minorities in violation of the fed penal code 3311.3.AA/.71". Charges will not be filed against the cop but "the investigation will continue to look for more conclusive evidence and interview witnesses" that are so scared to death of local law enforcement racists. If 40 IRS agents show up at your house you are going to jail. Justice is not the goal.