Friday, August 01, 2014

Minister to the poor in their home country

Rumor has it that the IRS is going to be looking closer at tax exempt status of churches.  I’m not sure that that is a bad thing.  First, it would put a stop to a lot of charlatans that give organized religion a bad name.  Next, if the bishops of certain churches want to encourage illegal immigration, then they should have a hand in paying the cost of their irresponsible call.  There’s also a certain irony in the fact that most of our problem comes from South and Central American countries where the Catholic Church has had a stronghold for centuries.

Since the Catholic bishops’ call to allow everyone and anyone who wanders across our southern border an invitation to stay, I’ve cut way back on my own offering to the church.  Money being a fungible commodity, I didn’t want to be indirectly funding lawlessness on the southern border.  I looked to make up the difference in other areas, but honestly have not done that.  I thought about contributing to food and goods to the St. Vincent de Paul society but then worried it’d just be shipped south.  I know.  “Jesus would never worry about that.”  I ain’t Jesus.  I do worry about it.  So I don’t do it.

Our church was looking for missionaries to go to Honduras to work for a month at our sister parish there.  A friend and I often talked about going on such a mission, usually after a couple of shots and beers while pitching washers in the barn.  Oddly, the idea never surfaces when we're sober.  I think that’s where the answer lies though.

If the church were truly concerned about these people, and I believe the church truly is concerned about these people, I think the best way to service their needs is in their own country.  Everyone is fond of calling the lawless chaos on our southern border a humanitarian crisis.  So why in the world are the church and our own government encouraging the crisis?  Calls for amnesty, worker’s permits, suspension of immigration law, free housing, medical, educational and other benefits is driving this "humanitarian crisis."  Stop it!

Instead of taking these poor souls in and then farming them out to parishioners with a promise of a $6,000 dollar government stipend, the Catholic Church ought to minister to them in the best way possible using their own funds.  As I’ve often noted here, it’s not charity if you’re stealing money from your neighbor to put into the offering.  The same goes for the church as an organization.  It’s not good works to simply direct people to the best and most generous government handout.

I think the best policy is for the church to go to the root of the problem – usually government corruption – in the home county of these poor people.  It’s more charitable to minister to the people not breaking the law and stuck in government sponsored squallier in South America than to dump charity on those breaking our laws.  The people already here ought to be dealt with exclusively by the federal government.  That’ll teach them.  Of course that level of incompetence might lead to mass casualties, people just continuing to wander north and illegal aliens taking over government facilities designated to house them.

But not to worry, OJ Boehner is on the job.  He’s come up with an immigration bill that will bail ol’ SFB out of a mess of his own making.  How?  Well by doing what the brain-dead Caligula D.C. crowd do with every problem.  Bury it under a mountain of your hard earned Yankee tax dollars.  Any bill offering SFB even ten cents to deal with this chaos ought to direct that the money come from the US aid accounts of the countries complicit in causing the problem in the first place.  That common sense approach will never happen.

Call or e-mail your congressman this morning before they vote on the next bailout. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin....
Precious that the IRS steps up to say we are going to do our job. Then wants back slaps? Like the border and people looking for a solution. Mine would be to fire people responsible for sealing the border. Not sealed? You are fired. Instead the pols have excuses piled onto excuses. Jeff Foxworthy talks about the difference in men and women and their work. The man empties the ash trays he filled then brags to the neighborhood as the wife pours new cement in the driveway. The feds want to be fawned over for doing their job. I remember in 2000 when Al Gore touted how he would eliminate $50B in graft and corruption in medicare then use that $50B a year to increase medicare. Of course it would not cost the tax payers a nickel. But as a senator and VP he let all this corruption into the system and did nothing? He should be horse whipped! When the big snow fall hits the big city, the mayor explains how his great plan and hard work saved the city. But, that is his job. He wants sainthood now? It seems daily the pols tell us of a huge and complicated issue that needs resolved and 90% of the time they caused it. I would like the IRS eliminated and a flat instituted.