Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Truth is dead for lefty Libs

The motto of this page is “The truth as I see it.”  Unlike a lefty Lib, I do not presuppose that I am 100% right on every issue.  And as every military man knows, the truth changes.  Like when you talk to your assignments guy who promises you a cushy job on the IG staff in Hawaii.  Then, after the family makes arrangement for the move to paradise, he breaks the news that you’re going unaccompanied to Chad to combat Ebola and Boko Haram.  When you tell him that he lied to you about Hawaii, he tells you, “No.  I didn’t lie.  That was the truth at the time.  Sadly, for you anyway, the truth has changed.  On the other hand, it is going to work out nicely for wannbe Gen Azzweasel’s son-in-law.”

Truth in this day and age is a weird thing.  The truth about petty thug and thief Michael Brown is irrelevant.  The Empty Suit and his no count AG Eric the wad Holder sent 40 FBI agents to Ferguson to stir up trouble for the local cops.  They sent 3 representatives to the thieving thug’s funeral.  How many FBI agents are looking into the creeps shutting down traffic in NY City and disputing Mayor de Blasio supporters during their brunch?

Truth on America’s campuses is even weirder.  A wild demonstrably false accusation of rape was all it took to shut down Greek life UVA.  When University President Teresa A. Sullivan was confronted with the truth about the accusation, she inexplicably doubled down, saying the university would use the false story to “…continue our community-wide discussions and actions on these important issues in the weeks and months ahead. We remain committed to taking action as necessary to bring about meaningful cultural change in our University community.”  HEY!  TERESA!  THE STORY IS FAKE!!  What’s next UVA?  Classes on why Bigfoot must be given immediate affirmative action privileges at UVA?  IS UVA going to bring in Dan Rather-not to teach a class on “fake but true” journalism?

Truth means nothing.  Truth is especially irrelevant if you happen to be a member of one of America’s approved aggrieved peoples.  Minorities are automatic inductees unless you happen to a high achieving Asian or Jew, then so sad too bad, you’re taking a slot away from a deserving less talented, less motivated minority.  This class is a pampered paid for and passed through class of low achievers sent along their way by white Libs who feel guilty about their own “white privilege.”

Nothing smacks the truth in the face harder than the new term for achievement – “white privilege.”  Never mind that the term is totally racist in that it assumes something about a person based on nothing more than the color of their skin.  Being racist is alright as long as you’re not a white racist.  The term is a double edged sword.  On the one hand it assumes whitey is only getting by on the color of his skin.  On the other hand it assumes the The Empty Suit phone lady would be running the Ford Motor Company if only she were not black.  Being a total free loading idiot was forced on her by whitey, you see.

Telling the truth takes courage, especially for young people, especially on campus.  People who tell the truth about Ferguson, The Empty Suit, black crime, etc. are labeled racists.  Now it’s easy for me to sit here and opine.  It’s way different for Lex jr. to take up the case in a classroom where he will be mocked, threatened, called a racist and possibly have his grade effected.  Nobody wants to say anything because nobody wants their world coming down on their head.   It’s easier to go along to get along than to be called a racist for telling the truth.  Ask the wimps at the Pentagon, the MSM, the GOP “leadership” etc. 
Gotta go but you get the point.

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