Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Leadership too tough for Mitch turns senate over to the Roach; Routh crazy but not because of PTSD

Having won the senate in last November’s elections, Mitch McConnell decided to let Harry the roach Reid continue to run the senate.  Pitiful.  Mitch doesn’t have the stomach to make Dopes take a vote on the DHS bill passed in the house that defunds The Empty Suit’s lawless executive amnesty.

There are a couple of things that bother me about Mitch’s move.  First read the post below.  Ilegal immigration needs to be stopped for the good of the country.  Next, TES’s action is wholly unconstitutional.  Does Mitch and other Republi-RATs like McCain, Gramnesty et al give a crap about the constitution?  Apparently not.  They are more worried about hurting Dope feelings in the senate by doing the EXACT SAME THING the roach did – kill the filibuster – to advance the house bill forcing TES to veto it.  They could have reverted to spineless vermin after the veto.

RAT apologist say, “Oh what the hell, the courts will take care of TES’s lawless BS.  Why should we get our hands dirty?”  The RATs apparently have already forgotten that Chief Dope in a Black Robe Johnny Roberts twisted the law like a bowl of Twizzlers into the shapes of a pretzels to keep TEScare - affectionately known as Robertscare here - on the books.  It’s called “Roberts” care because Black Robe Jonny had the opportunity to kill it off in its infancy and instead became a lawless idiot himself.  So if the Chief Dope in a Robe can eff it up as badly as Roberts, why in the hell would senate RATS expect better from any of the rest?

The bottom line here is that the RAT senate leadership are spineless weaklings.  The roach effectively still runs the senate. 

Chris Kyle Chad Littlefield verdict
Murdering bastard Eddie Ray Routh was found guilty last night and sent to prison for life.  I think Routh is crazier than Mitch McConnell for letting the roach run the senate.   He was probably crazy before he joined the Marine Corps.  I think Routh is crazier than John Hinckley, who shot Ronald Reagan, and probably deserved the same fate, life in a mental institute.  He’s nuts.

What’s irritating to me about Routh - or his attorneys – is his PTSD defense.  That is BS.  Every service guy who runs afoul of the law or society or can’t/won’t get a job falls back on PTSD.
Hollywood picked PTSD up after the Vietnam War where in every TV show and movie they depicted every Vietnam vet as a homeless crazed drunk with PTSD.  It was all BS.  They are headed down that road again.  After former DHS head Janet Incompetano claimed that the real threat to America didn’t come for Islamo-Terror-Fascist azzhole as much as from returning vets joining right-wing militias.

One of the two remaining TV shows I still watch is Justified.  This season three of the bad guys are crazed Army vets committing all manner of heinous crimes and talking about how many people they have killed.  Even the one vet Deputy Marshall, a former Army sniper, in early seasons was said to be unstable and could go off at any moment.

Routh’s BS defense will certainly add to suspicion of returning vets.  It’s sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy for Hollywood and Incompetano.  Hollywood depicts vets as crazed homicidal maniacs. People see it.  They believe it.  They are less likely to hire a vet.

I grew up in household were every male I knew served in the military during WWII, Korea or Vietnam.  None – not a single one – claimed PTSD or anything else. They were all well-adjusted business people.  They were of a generation where you did your duty and moved on.  Hollywood, Dopes and excrementheads playing the system are effing everything up for themselves and the one-half of one percent of vets who truly do suffer some sort of disorder that can be attributed to their military service.
Routh is crazy, probably has been for some time, but he does not suffer from PTSD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
Routh was crazy when he joined the military. How many young people like me join the military and end up with BABP (Being A Better Person)? I would say 99%. The 1% usually wash out and go into being a slug, criminal, etc. But having BABP gets little air time. I hire vets at every opportunity. Best employees a company can have.