Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Weak RATs OK ilegal amnesty, say good-bye to country

Uh oh, Rep. Kurt Schrader (Dope-OR) believes that the fight for amnesty for illegal immigrants is the “civil rights battle” for millennials that will decide who controls the the country for the next three decades:  Immigration reform is probably the biggest issue of the 21st century.  It will decide who is in charge of this country for the next 20 or 30 years.  So the cat is out of the bag, well for anyone with a brain it’s been out of the bag for some time.  Count Mitch McConnell, OJ Boehner and other spineless Republi-RATS among the brainless.  

ASIDE:  Civil rights battle?  YGBSM.   That's an insane argument.  So anyone who wants to come into this country has a "civil right" to do so?

We’re being sold out, plain and simple.  Now I could say that people are coming into the country illegally and destroying the very social safety net that the Dopes depend upon for votes.  But let’s say the illegals come in and all go to work doing jobs people making $46K on the public teat won’t do.  Is the TESphone lady going to go back to work?  What then?

I don’t think there are very many people in the US unwilling to give to someone temporarily on the down out a hand up.  What is troublesome is the rather permanent nature of some of the people on the dole.  I think we expect that some point they go back to work – if necessary doing the work Americans won’t do.

The argument against such an arrangement is that to get Americans to pick fruit and vegetables the cost of those items will go through the roof.  Let’s test that theory.  Had we gotten on with it 15-20 years ago we’d have found an automated solution by now.  One thing is for sure, a solution will not come while under paying illegal immigrants and denying them healthcare that the Dopes pretend to care so much about.

Here’s the sad little secret – Dopes do not give a crap about people.  They care about using them to win elections.  They will literally sell the country to win an election.  They will redistribute your hard earned Yankee dollars to buy TESphones, food stamps, free housing, endless unemployment turning the safety net into a hammock for their lock-step constituency.

Mitt Romney claimed that that constituency had reached 47%.  I used to think that when that number hit 51% it was over.  I think it’s pretty close to over now.  We have no opposition party.  These sad sack pieces of crap can’t even get bill through the senate to defund TES’s unconstitutional amnesty.  When you include the stupid and guilty rich white Hollywood type libs we’re probably well beyond the 51% mark.

And for those who think that it’s OK because Hispanics will come around when the government starts screwing them, explain why they didn’t come around when the country that they are fleeing was screwing them?  Oh and get this, if you think that the amnesty and uncontrolled border only affects Hispanics guess again.  More Muslims are entering the country under the brain-dead TES administration than Hispanics. 
You cannot make this $h!t up.  While Europe is struggling with its Muslim population imported because Muslims would do the work Europeans wouldn’t (procreating being the chief work Europeans wouldn’t do) TES and his gang of azzwipes have opened the floodgates to Muslims here.  Mitch, OJ and other crap weasel Republi-RATS don’t give a crap.  We are screwed.

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