Thursday, February 26, 2015

Pope acknowledges "Mexicanization" - Net power grab

Well, well, well isn’t this curious.  While a number of Catholic Bishops are touting the benefits of open borders and calling for the acceptance to lawless illegal aliens entering the US, Pope Francis is worried about the “Mexicanization” of his native Argentina.  OK now we know what to call it when telling the bishops to get their heads out of their butts on this issue.  Instead of railing against “lawless illegal immigrants” when writing the bishops we simply say, “I’m worried about the Mexicanization of the US.”  And not to put too fine a point on it Francis, the US – and by extension the world - has a whole lot more to lose than Argentina when it comes to Mexicanization.  To be fair the pope has issued a statement indicating that immigration laws should be followed – wink, wink – in Argentina anyway. 

Now, since what Pope Francis is saying is the truth, he, like Rudy, Netanyahu, Scott Walker et al is coming under attack for his insensitive remarks about lawless Mexican drug gangs overrunning Argentina.  Weird that the lawless Mexican drug gangs get off Scott-free here.  Mexicanization is taking place in Argentina and in the US the two countries where it’s taking place are considered the bad guys for wanting to put a stop to it. 

Net Neutrality
I understand what it is – I think.  What I do not understand is how a federal commission of three can enact it.  Three lousy people get together and decide that they are going to change the way the Internet works and 305 million Americans say, sure why not.  Then we can get three unelected political appointees together and finally get a handle on this “paper or plastic” controversy once and for all.  What are Republi-RATS going to do about it?  If their reaction to The Empty Suit’s lawless executive amnesty is any indication, a big fat NOTHING.

Ronald Reagan once said words to the effect, “Net neutrality is a policy solution in search of a problem.”  It worse than that.  It’s a policy in search IRS, VA like power over users.  The IRS will be auditing any blogger who dares tell the truth about TES and his gang of clueless azzweasels.  Anyone who might visit that page or dare “like” a facebook note that runs afoul of TES’s Internet police will also be in line for extra IRS scrutiny.  Of course TES and his brilliant cohort of Marie Harf-like geniuses will be outraged when proof of that type harassment surfaces.  Then they’ll call it a “phony scandal.”  Then they’ll claim that there isn’t even a “smidgen of corruption” at the Internet Department of Political Examination or I-DOPE.

I almost hope the Dopes do this just to see how really smart people circumvent the Dopes’ rules.  Then all of the "smart bureaucrats" will be in high dudgeon over smarter people out foxing them.  The really smart people will labeled un-American by government dumbazzes for not getting in line with the desires of their government overlords.  The really smart people will tell the government to eff off - see you in court sucker.  They will be audited and harassed by the overlords. 
All of this proof positive that freedom loving people everywhere should be laying on extra water and ammo at every opportunity.  What else, pray tell, should you be doing when a power hungry minority has seized control of the government and by fiat has opened the country's borders, seized control of 1/6th of the economy, forced you provide services contrary to your deeply held religious beliefs, forces you to buy something you do not want or fines your azz off if you do not comply and seizes control of the freest most expansive mind improving information devise imaginable?  Well you could elect officials to stop it.  We did in a landslide.  They are turning to be collaborators.


Anonymous said...

Well, when DHS comes for you Lex, I want to make sure that they see that I'm a strong supporter of your views. There is a leftist revolution occurring in this country, and the Constitution and established law doesn't seem able to check its momentum. The options remaining for those Americans true to the Constitution are becoming very limited.

Let me know if you need air support.


Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
Take an imperfect system, break it, and launch a worse system. Healthcare as an example and now the Net. The total European economy is a little larger than the US. Europe invested $30b into Net development projects last year the US invested $130B. That investment will go away because the feds will require approval on everything, which will require gaggles of lawyers on both sides. Everyone will get the same exact socialist Net service, and will be taxed so the feds can oversee it.