Wednesday, January 31, 2018

PDJT saves the world Demo-Dopes boo

Nope.  Didn’t watch it, but judging by the reaction to it by all the right people, it must have been glorious. The “it” here is the SOTU address by PDJT last night.  If I were interested in these things anymore, last night would have been the perfect night to tune into MS-13-NBC and watch heads explode.

A quick check of the Interweb indicates that PDJT did not announce that bombing of N Korea would begin in 5 minutes, that he’s declaring martial law until “the memo” is released, that federal agents would begin checking “the papers” of Demo-Dope guests in the gallery etc.  He didn’t refer to Haiti as a sh*thole.  He didn’t fire Mueller on the spot. 

He did call unity.  He did call ask that congress work together.  Still the Dopes and their acolytes apparently seethed, sitting on their hands when record unemployment numbers were announced for blacks, walking out when chants of USA went up in the chamber*, working their phones while PDJT honored veterans and booing when PDJT called for an end to chain migration. 

NOTE*:  Think about that one.  Looooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeez Gutierrez reportedly stormed out of the speech when chants of USA went up from Republicans.  Only to return when chants of ISIS went up from Dopes I suppose.  Gutierrez joined 14 other Demo-Dopes who decided not to attend the event. The boycotting Dopes are said to have all trooped over to MS-13-NBC to act as expert analysts.  Social scientist found that when the Dopes stormed out of congress and arrived at MS-13-NBC the average IQ in both placed increased dramatically.

If the written accounts are correct, I think it was very bad night for the Dopes.  They carted in dozens of illegal aliens and sat stone faced while PDJT recognized American heroes.  That’s pretty much today’s Dope party in a nutshell.  They are the F-America first party.

I’ll look to see if the markets rebound today as an indication of the strength of the speech.

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