Tuesday, February 27, 2018

FedEx backs the NRA! Sort of.

FedEx released a statement saying that they will not break ties with the NRA. That’s great.  The precursor to that good news was this:

FedEx Corporation’s positions on the issues of gun policy and safety differ from those of the National Rifle Association (NRA).  FedEx opposes assault rifles being in the hands of civilians.  While we strongly support the constitutional right of U.S. citizens to own firearms subject to appropriate background checks, FedEx views assault rifles and large capacity magazines as an inherent potential danger to schools, workplaces, and communities when such weapons are misused.  We therefore support restricting them to the military.  Most important, FedEx believes urgent action is required at the local, state, and Federal level to protect schools and students from incidents such as the horrific tragedy in Florida on February 14th.

This is so stupid on so many levels.  Where to begin? FedEx supports the “right of U.S. citizens to own firearms subject to appropriate background checks…”  Hoopty doo.  Broward’s Cowards never entered the FL school shooter's name into the system after more than 40 visits to his home, expulsion from school, a Facebook page loaded with threats and at least two FBI tips.  

A good question for Chief Wiggum down in Broward County would be, “Chief have you now entered the Fl school shooter’s information into the NCIS system?”  “No, Lou, we haven’t. There have been so many threats on that boy’s life he needs his guns now more than ever.”

The doofus who shot up the TX church was crazy as a March hare but the Air Force didn’t report it as they were required to do.  The Sandy Hook shooter stole the weapons used in his crime.  The Columbine shooters used a straw buyer to get their weapons.

Here’s a tip.  If you are relying on the government not to get shot.  You are going to get shot.

FedEx opposes assault rifles being in the hands of civilians.”  What’s an assault rifle?  An AR?  An AR is simply a semi-automatic rifle.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  So is the goal to ban/confiscate all semi-automatic rifles?  Why yes, I believe it is.

Now, look at your first line of home defense, your handgun.  How does it operate?  Chances are that it is also a semi-automatic weapon.  Annually, handguns are used to kill far, far more people than rifles.  So do you seriously suppose when the gun grabbers are done with ARs that they will not see the order of magnitude larger deaths created by handguns and not move to ban/confiscate them as well?  If you think not, you’re an idiot and I need $10,000 to get my 1.6 million dollar lottery winnings out of escrow.  I’ll repay you $20,000 when I get my winnings if you transfer the money to my numbered Swiss account.

“…FedEx views assault rifles and large capacity magazines as an inherent potential danger to schools, workplaces, and communities when such weapons are misused.”  YGBSM.  Isn’t just about anything a “potential danger” when it is “misused”?  “Yeah, tried to use my chain saw to stir that pot of soup.  Made a hell of a mess, ruined the pot and the soup tastes like sh*t.”  “Yup, lost control of my car when I tried to get up enough speed to see if she'd fly. Tore her all to hell.”  “Yep, used my power drill and a #7 screw to try to hold those two sheets of paper together.  It didn’t work.”

Bless FedEx’s heart for not caving to the mob.  They should have stuck with just the second paragraph which reads:

FedEx is a common carrier under Federal law and therefore does not and will not deny service or discriminate against any legal entity regardless of their policy positions or political views.  The NRA is one of hundreds of organizations in our alliances/association Marketing program whose members receive discounted rates for FedEx shipping.  FedEx has never set or changed rates for any of our millions of customers around the world in response to their politics, beliefs or positions on issues.

That’s pretty clear. The first paragraph serves only to muddy the water.  Before any conversation on “common sense gun control” begins, we should demand the working definition of “assault weapon”.  If we do that, that’s pretty much where the conversation will end.  Gun grabbers have been trying for as long as I can remember to define the term “assault weapon” in manner that does not expose their ultimate endgame - banning/confiscating your guns. 

The NRA should release a statement today that expresses a willingness discuss any measure of “common sense gun control”, and states that a working definition of what exactly constitutes an “assault rifle” must be rendered prior to the debate.  The Lefty Lib definition will be the same as a judge’s famous definition of pornography. “I’ll know it when I see it.” 

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