Tuesday, February 20, 2018

JG letter writer admits Robertscare is a failure demands single payer

This letter appeared in the morning fish wrap*:

Single payer solution to health care woes
We need to have a conversation about our health care system. I'm frustrated, fed up and we, as a nation, deserve something better. The issues we ran into for a single medical event related to my son cost us significant time and money and delayed his care. This is unacceptable. My son's experience was not indicative of the “greatest health care system in the world.”
A great system should include:
• The freedom of choice of providers. No preauthorization, no networks.
• No ties to employment. Insurance should not be a factor for leaving a great job or sticking with a bad one.
• No postponement of care because of finances.
• Coverage for everyone.
We spend more on health care than other developed nations yet see no gain in quality or quantity of care. Insurance companies are a primary culprit to the added cost and hassles with our care. Their loyalty is to stockholders, not you.
What if you were able to get all the care you needed without worrying about your finances or playing games? A single-payer system where health care providers remain in the private sector and the government collects and distributes payments could do this. People go bankrupt or, worse, die because of our current system. If you're on the fence, maybe the idea of saving money and not dealing with insurance companies will convince you.
This is a human issue, not a political one. Let's make our health system as great as so many say it is. The next time you vote, do your homework. Who's lining your candidate's pockets? You can bet they intend to look out for the interests of the hand that feeds them, not the one that votes.
Nicholas Claypool
Fort Wayne

NOTE:  I gotta stop looking at the rag.
Re: Nicholas Claypool’s letter “Single payer solution to health care woes” Feb 20, 2018 
So Mr. Claypool is admitting that Democrats fiddling with our healthcare system and calling it Obamacare has been a total disaster, a fraud, a lie, a scam and a total swindle.  
Remember when President Obama assured us our healthcare insurance premiums were going to be reduced, healthcare services improved, if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor, if you liked your healthcare plan you could keep your healthcare plan? 
Does any of that sound vaguely familiar?  
Why in the world would we need a single payer system?  Rejoice!  We have Obamacare.  
Does anyone seriously suppose that single payer means uniform high-quality care for no cost?  Single payer will be the healthcare equivalent of the public defender in our court system.  People who can pay get Johnny Cochran and get away with murder.  People who can’t get railroaded for crimes they did not commit.   
Here’s how single payer healthcare is going to work out for the masses.  We’ll all be standing in a long line outside the emergency room with sucking chest wounds waiting for a nurse in training to issue us an aspirin while the swells like mayor-for-life Henry illegally park their cars with expired tags at the head of the line and are whisked off to see the top flight surgical team for their botox treatments. 

If you are interested in quality healthcare, why in the world would anyone trust the government?  Because government gave us Obamacare, and it’s such a huge success?    

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