Monday, February 05, 2018

Making sense of the Memo

Is it worse than Watergate?

To my way of thinking it is.  Watergate was, as someone put it years ago, a second rate cover up of a third rate burglary.  Outside the participants who willingly participated in either one or both of those activities, burglary/cover up, who was harmed? 

This Steele dossier thing implicates the highest levels of the FBI and DOJ in crimes against American citizens who, themselves, committed no crime.

But wait it gets worse.  The crimes, conspiracies, colusion perpetrated by the FBI and DOJ against otherwise innocent American citizens were an effort to first sway an American presidential election and then to disrupt or destroy the administration of the duly elected President of the United States.

To put that into words even Slow Joe Biden can understand: that’s a big F-ing deal.  That is mind-boggling.  That is crazy.

But wait it gets worse.  Indications are that there are more memos coming and that the next memo will implicate AG Lynch and WH national security advisor Susan Rice in facilitating the FBI DOJ dishonesty.  We will be told that, like the IRS BS, The Empty Suit was totally unaware of the cabal until he read about it in the papers and that there was not even a smidgen of scandal in his corrupt BS administration.

Watergate Vs. Memogate is like saying the fire under your water heater is the same as the fire that burned your house to the ground.  Yeah, they are both fires inside your home, but that is where any similarities end.

Then there’s the predictable reaction to the memo.  At one time the Lefty Libs describe the memo as a nothing burger that is threat to national security.  Well, if it’s a threat to national security, it isn’t a nothing burger.

Take Jimmy the fib Comey’s reaction:

"That's it? Dishonest and misleading memo wrecked the House intel committee, destroyed trust with Intelligence Community, damaged relationship with FISA court, and inexcusably exposed classified investigation of an American citizen. For what? DOJ & FBI must keep doing their jobs."

As ol’ Billy Shakespeare once said – He’s bitchin’ way too much ‘bout this for me to believe that he ain’t guilty as hell – or something like it anyway.  According Jimmy the fib: “That’s it?”  No big deal then, right?  Except either the entire foundation upon which the congress, the FBI, the DOJ and the FISA court operate are supposedly wrecked or they are all crooked as hell, so yeah Jimmy, either way, it’s a big F-ing deal.

NOTE:  Check out the “That’s it?” meme’s at Gateway Pundit.

Here’s a simple test to determine if what the memo alleges is a big deal. If the government did to you what they did to candidate Trump, then president-elect Trump and now PDJT, would it be a big deal?   

I knew that information contained in the memo was a big deal, because I knew if the government had done it to me, I’d be totally screwed.  I mean can anyone even imagine having the full weight of the government coming down on your head and then in addition to everything else they lie, obstruct, deceive and collude illegally just to get your azz?  What do you think your chances would be against a dishonest government trying to ruin you so you’ll stop publishing your sh*tty little blog taking them to task every morning?

Well, after 8 years of The Empty Suit that is the government that we have. Yes "have."  PDJT’s election has yet to change much of anything inside the deep state.  The good news is that the government F’d up.  They tried their BS on PDJT.  Had they done this to JEB! or any other Republican, they’d all have packed up and gone home by now.  Not PDJT. He just gets up every morning and kicks them in the nuts with a tweet and goes about is business of Making America Great Again.

I do not claim to totally understand all of the ins and outs of the memo, but Victor Davis Hanson’s take on it seems an enlightening primer.  VDH nails it in easily understood language that take the reader from A to Z on the memo.  Additional evidence of TES’s weaponization of government agencies for purely political purpose is the big take away.  To me this is the most damning paragraph in Hanson’s spot on piece:

“If all this is not a scandal — then the following protocols are now considered permissible in American electoral practice and constitutional jurisprudence: An incumbent administration can freely use the FBI and the DOJ to favor one side in a presidential election, by buying its opposition research against the other candidate, using its own prestige to authenticate such a third-party oppositional dossier, and then using it to obtain court-ordered wiretaps on American citizens employed by a candidate’s campaign — and do so by deliberately misleading the court about the origins and authors of the dossier that was used to obtain the warrants.”

But yeah, you gotta read the whole thing.

Not offended
I know this is supposed to offend me but I think it's d be awesome.  It's about time white guys got team.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

When Obama/Holder/Jarret and the Chicago Community Organizing Gang (CCOG) sent 100 FBI agents Ferguson, then Baltimore, and ten other places we knew the FBI/DOJ would be praised for finding systemic police abuse whether it existed or not. That is when the feds were corrputed. Holder said he was looking out for "his people". The law enforcement has lots of new paperwork to do now and they walk a fine line knowing that rigorous law enforcement can easily put them in jail, ruin them, etc. Dallas, Baltimore, and others cannot find recruits. The CCOG then enabled FBI/DOJ to attempt destroying Trump and now even invent grounds for an impeachment. Getting Trump is not their first Chicago Style political hit job. Hopefully Rod Blagovich will get some new cell mates soon. Drain this crooked azz swamp.