Monday, February 26, 2018

The face of MSD school shooting survivors is that of rabid dogs out for their 15 minutes of fame

Wow a lot going on.  The JG did an editorial piece on  Marjory Stoneman Douglas the namesake for the FL scholl shot up last week.  The title of the piece was “Student’s strength namesake’s legacy.”  Stoneman was an early environmentalist credited in part with saving the FL everglades.  It was the lead-in to Stoneman’s bio that  riled Lex enough to respond below:

Re: JG editorial of Feb 24, 2018 “Students’ strength namesake’s legacy”
The editorial starts with the notion that everybody “has to be impressed by the poise and maturity exhibited by students who survived the [Marjory Stoneman Douglas School] shooting as media attention descended upon them.”

Color me unimpressed.

In a CNN interview (where else), Stoneman shooting survivor David Hogg called the NRA “child murderers”.   Poise?  Maturity? 

This paper once condescendingly congratulated Right to Life marchers for not calling abortionists murderers.  Now, according to the JG, it demonstrates “poise” and “maturity” to label an entire organization of 5 million members “child murderers”. It’s doubtful anyone at the JG possess the self-awareness to appreciate the paper’s epic hypocrisy on this point. 

Anyone who watched the mob scene that was CNN’s town hall on the Stoneman School shooting saw nothing of poise or maturity.  The feral pack shouted “murderer” and “burn her” at NRA representative Dana Loesch before rushing the stage forcing CNN to ask if she had security to protect her from the rabid crowd.  Poise?  Maturity?

Survivor Cameron Kasky equated Senator Marco Rubio with the evil shooter who had just murdered 17 teachers and classmates.  Think about that one.  Poise?  Maturity? 

Kasky’s Facebook page proliferates hate by cheering the assault on Senator Rand Paul, threatening to punch Republicans, threatening to destroy electronic devises on which anyone mentions “god” and hoping for the deaths of all NRA members.  Poise?  Maturity?

During the town hall, Jake Tapper stood by while the juvenile mob ran his show.  Afterward, in a interview Tapper asked, “Who am I to tell someone that just lost a daughter or a friend, ‘Don’t talk that way’?”  Uh, the moderator. 

If you weren’t up to the job, Jake, you should have acted like the cowardly Broward County Sherriff’s Deputies and hung out in the parking lot until the all-clear was sounded.

Poise?  Maturity?  I am sure they are there. Too bad the loud and ignorant were able to elbow their way past anyone possessing those qualities and park themselves in front of CNN’s cameras.       

Why can’t everyone be as smart and articulate as Dana Loesch?

Broward County, FL needs a new sheriff
As far as I know, there is no requirement that cops be brave.  There is no test to determine if they are. There is no law requiring that cops protect you or defend you with their own lives.  That might be the public expectation but it’s not the law.  Hence all of the Broward Cowards (AKA Broward County sheriffs) hiding out while the shooting was in progress will retire with full benefits.  

There is an old Marine Corps axiom: Always provide for your own security, or as the Griffin puts it: If you see something, take care of it. Then say something. The reaction of the Broward Cowards tells us one thing, you cannot rely on the cops for your personal protection.

PDJT’s immigration policy is working!
A bunch of Mexicans have decided not to cross the US border.  Okay they are the Mexican President and his entourage boycotting a scheduled meeting because PDJT still insists that the Mexicans are going to pay for the wall, but still – progress.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Sure way to end school shootings is to ban schools. Close them up. Or prepare teachers, school workers, and students fight back, and keep the schools open.