Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Census should consist of one question

The Supreme Court is considering whether or not a question about citizenship should be included on the upcoming census.  It does not matter to me.  I intend to answer only question #1 of the census – How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2020? That said the Supreme Court case is forcing the Dopes to defend treating illegal aliens in the same manner as citizens.  This issue breaks abut 85-15 in favor of asking the question.  Getting the Dopes to support the 15% position is a blessing.

During the 2010 census, I was visited twice by paid government losers to try to get me to answer additional questions.  When I refused the first time the old man with a mangy dog who interviewed me from the driver’s seat of his beat up car actually threatened me with government action if I didn’t cooperate with him. 

I had fun with the man pretending I didn’t understand.  I’d ask, “Why does the government need to count people every ten years?” followed by “What does the constitution require?”  Here’s the funny part.  The old fool was hired to collect census data, but it was clear he didn’t have the slightest clue why he was doing it. 

BUT, BUT, BUT after ten minutes of back and forth, the old fool did think that because he was hired part-time by the federal government that he had some power over me to force compliance with his asinine questions.  He told me I could go to jail.  I told him, well, good luck with that.  

He left in a huff.  I felt great about, in my own small way, fouling the works of an onerous government by putting a burr under the saddle of one of its low-level lunatic employees.  

The second guy was much savvier.  After about a two minute conversation, he said, “You’re not going to answer these questions are you.”  I told him, “No, I’m not.”  He thanked me and left.

Now here’s an interesting note.  Congress passed a law saying people had to comply with filling out a census form and all of its dumb questions – even the ones that fell outside the purpose for which a census is required by the constitution. So technically, I suppose the old man was correct.  The feds could have swooped down on me, thrown me in the gulag and forced compliance.  But as I heard Judge Nap opine on Fox yesterday, laws passed by congress do not trump the constitution.  You still have the right to remain silent.  So I could have fallen back on the good ol’ 5th Amendment had the old man returned with his jack booted census storm troopers* to try to force compliance.

As George Washington once said, “F-k the federal government.”  Trust me.  I googled it and Snopes verified it.

*NOTE:  That’s not necessarily a joke.  Given the number of federal agencies that have armed agents as part of their makeup, it is entirely possible that the census dept. could have dispatched armed agents to bully and intimidate an uncooperative citizen.

The nutty left keeps getting nuttier
Crazy Bernie has staked out the far left position that the Boston Bomber ought to have the right to vote for him in the 2020 election.  Sadly, this really is nothing new.  Everyone knows that the criminal element has been a vital Demo-Dope constituency.  So much so that they actually nominated a criminal as their 2016 presidential candidate. 

Given the far left nature of the current Demo-Dope field of presidential hopefuls, Bernie needs to somehow get to the left of the masses.  Killing one year old babies under the guise of “a woman’s reproductive rights” wasn’t polling well so murderers voting didn’t seem so far off the hook.

The proof is that Dope field has begun to nod knowingly in agreement with Bernie’s callus boneheaded position.  Willie Brown’s part time whore, Kamala Harris, said we should have conversation about such a proposal.  And there you are Mr. & Mrs. America, jailed murderers voting is becoming a mainstream Demo-Dope position.

Shrillda the Hutt opines on Russian stooge* Boob Nifong Mueller’s report
Speaking of criminals, Shrillda the Hutt said Nifong Mueller’s report proved that PDJT should have been indicted.  This is perfect timing.  When Jussie Smollett is being sued by the brothers that he hired to mug him in a “hate crime” hoax and while Smollett continues to stand by his BS account of the fake assault, it’s perfect timing for the Hutt to slip out from whatever rock she was hiding under to make a proclamation about someone else’s guilt.

Smollett and the Hutt are the same person.  Both are fantastical liars.  Both are fully aware that everyone with a brain knows they are total PsOS.  Both lack even one cell of shame for perpetrating their BS.  Both are criminals.  Both belong in jail.  Both think that if they just stick to their dopey lies the compliant MSM will force us to believe them.

*NOTE:  If the Russian purpose was to undermine our trust and confidence in our election process, Nifong Mueller has done far more damage to that trust and confidence than anything the Russians were able to accomplish with their ham handed attempt in 2016.  I wonder if we’ll see Nifong Mueller receive the Order Lenin Medal in Red Square this spring.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

"Felons For Bernie!". A chicken in every pot is so 1930's. Now a person in prison and taking a break between murders can vote? If the person breaks out and goes into hiding he can still use a mail-in ballot? Will the pols now have campaign stops at San Quentin and Joliet Prisons? Since Fauxchohantis will make college free will the incarcerated now get a free college degree while in the pokey! Let's see what the next nutball leftist candidate proposes to top it. Everyone can print their own money! Vote for me! Crazy stuff.