Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Who will reimburse the people who paid for their college degree themselves?

Big Chief Lyin’ Azz Fauxcahontas Lizzy Warren wants to find money in the federal budget to forgive student loan debt.  There are a couple of reasons why such a plan is pure idiocy. One is forgiving debt on students who engaged in four year programs pursuing a hobby rather than a bonafide field of study is nuts.  It’s crazy enough to think that Mr. & Mrs. America are responsible for Suzy Rotten Crotch’s degree in economics even though she knows precisely zero about the subject after graduation – think AOC here. 

But to think we’re also going to be on the hook if Johnny the dope runs up 250,000 dollars in debt while spending four years at Slippryrock studying the mating habits of the East Congo fruit fly strains the sensibilities even the most hopeful among us. Go to college.  Study the overhand volleyball serve while drinking/drunk for four years - no worries the American taxpayer will pick up that bill.  Want to study puppeteering?  Go for it.  Uncle Sam will pay.  Chinese opera your passion?  Spend four years sitting on your butt studying it at great expense.  Your sucker neighbor, who didn’t even go to college and didn’t send his son who joined the family plumbing business after high school, will pay for that. Paying for some of the stupid things colleges offer degrees in these days (any studies ending in the word “studies” prime example) is total, complete and utter BS.  

What is Heap Big SFB going to do for the families of college graduates that were smart enough not to get buried under a mountain of debt sending junior to college?  What’s in it them?  You send junior to the local community college while living at home for two years and then get him on campus of a four year institution for the last two years – BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT YU CAN AFFORD!!! What’s in it for the kid who worked his way through school taking classes when he could afford them while holding down a part time or full time job? In true Demo-Dope form, the weasels are subsidizing irresponsible behavior and ignoring or punishing responsible behavior.  As is nearly always the case with Caligula, D.C. ruling class creeps, this is a vote buying scheme – pure and simple.

Republicans should immediately counter with a “sense of congress resolution” that indicates that institutions of “higher learning” that knowingly mire students under a mountain of debt for worthless degrees should forgive the debt of those loyal alumni. If a student cannot find meaningful and equitable employment in the field that the university “prepared them for” then it should be the university not the taxpayer that should eat the loan for the worthless piece of paper they issued.

Pure evil is real
The attacks in Sri Lanka are proof positive.  The face of isalm has shown itself again, and it is evil.  I attended sunrise service on Easter Sunday and happened to be seated in close proximity of the retired County Sheriff who I know to be armed.  Sometimes he arrives in uniform and openly carries. 

But we don’t have to go too far from home to find evil. Here in Indiana there’s new information on two young girls murdered a year ago while hiking in a park.  How could anyone do such a thing?  Evil.  

When I see the pictures of the two beautiful young girls, I’m reminded of a line from the Hank Williams Jr. song “A Country Boy can Survive”:  “I’d like to spit some Beechnut in that dude’s eye and shoot him with my old .45…”

But that’s probably still too good for that rat bastard.

Slow Joe Biden channels Lex
Idiot Biden obviously read Lex yesterday and has postponed his announcement that he's totally willing to be humiliated again while running for an office he has not one bit of evidence that he is the least bit qualified for.

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