Friday, April 12, 2019

TES's weasel brigade of treasonous deep state actors will obstruct Barr's investigation to save their butts

The weasel brigade – shape shifter Comey, Johnny the red Brennan, Jimmy the fib Clapper et al – are shocked, shocked I tell you that AG Barr might suggest that the PDJT’s campaign was spied on.  

The US government under half-wit half black boob Barry The Empty Suit and his brigade of weasels might have entrapped a low level Trump campaign workers with a circle of lies where the a government agent tells George Papadopoulos that the Russians have Shrillda the Hutt’s illegally deleted e-mails.  Later another government agent pries that the information he knows to be bogus out of Papdopoulos and he then reports the known to be bogus information back to the FBI that planted the BS in the first place.  But the circle of lies now gives TES’s crooked cops the predicate – a bogus line of BS that THEY planted - for opening an intelligence probe against Trump’s campaign.

They may have conducted secret surveillance of the Trump campaign’s personnel, phones and e-mail, but they maintain they NEVER “spied” on the Trump campaign.  Hmm, pretty much a distinction without a difference.  You say spying I say secret surveillance – it makes all the difference.

They may have hired a foreign agent (Christopher Steele) to collude with Russian agents to produce a BS dossier.  They may have lied through their azzes about the reliability of the fake dossier to the FISA court.  They may have leaked information from the fake dossier to the press and the opponents of the Trump campaign.  They may have used the fake dossier to launch a two-and-a-half year 25 million dollar witch hunt.  But none of that is spying according the weasel brigade.

TES tells us none of that constitutes spying or undermining an election or the American way.

Here’s the bottom line, the weasel brigade is running scared.  They know they are a bunch of lying corrupt deep state anti-American operators who have been caught red-handed.  At a minimum, I hope these deep state scumbags lose every penny of their ill-gotten gains from book deals, speaking engagements and government pensions trying to defend themselves and keep their worthless backside out of jail while a two-and-a-half year probe into their treasonous and BS activities is conducted.   

Dying broke and disgraced would seem to me the least that these losers deserve. 

My money is still on the line that says nothing bad will ever happen to any of the treasonous deep state actors from TES on down.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

The Mueller Team billed the taxpayers about $25M. The deep state actors need to split this up and "pay their fair share" and/or spend time making license plates some. Chicago and Jussies invoice come to mind.