Monday, April 22, 2019

Slow Joe Biden loves being humiliated

Well, probably not, but that would be the simplest way to explain why a no talent, lying, plagiarizing, conceited half-wit like Biden would think the country just can’t get along unless he’s running for president.  What else makes sense?  The guy has been wrong – and spectacularly so - on every major issue facing the U.S. for 40 years. Wrong on the Soviet Union.  Wrong on Reagan’s nuclear build up in Europe.  Wrong on Star Wars.  Wrong on Russia.  Wrong NAFTA.  Wrong on Iraq.  Wrong on taxes.  Wrong on “shovel ready jobs.”  Wrong global warming.  Combine all f that with the fact Biden is a just plain stupid and there is no logical reason for this talentless dopey old, old, old, straight white man to seek the nomination of a party that has clearly skidded off the rails.

What’s going to be so delicious about this knucklehead’s total demise this time around is that his once beloved Demo-Dope Party is finally going to deliver the political coup de gras to this know-nothing political light weight.  PDJT isn’t even going to have time brand the groping hair sniffing moron “creepy Joe” before the Dopes themselves draw, quarter, section and feed Biden’s dead political corpse to the jackals on the left.

Aside from being just plain stupid, here’s Slow Joe’s problem.  He has no constituency inside the Demo-Dope Party.  PDJT is “the blue collar billionaire.”  Woke Dope don’t even like people who work.  So why would anyone rising in today’s booming economy want to go back to Barry The Empty Suit’s lackluster economy?  The only thing Slow Joe can do is take credit for the Trump economy. I can just hear him.  He’s in Dallas for Friday night rally.  “Good morning Houston. PDJT didn’t build this economy.  Barry The Empty Suit and I did.” How do you think that will play on the Dope side?          
Thoughts on Norte Dame
Color me suspicious when before the smoke had cleared, French officials were “ruling out” terrorism as a cause of the fire that destroyed much of the historic cathedral.  Color me doubly suspicious that before investigators were allowed to examine the ashes and remains of the collapsed roof of the church officials blamed the blaze first on “faulty wiring” and then on a malfunctioning computer program. 

Here’s what we know about the origins of the fire for certain – nothing.  Until I see a list of the work crew performing maintenance on the section of the roof where the fire broke out and find that they were all named Louie and that there wasn’t Mohammed among them, I don’t rule out terrorism.

The left is hysterical that over a billion Euros have been raised to reconstruct the iconic house of worship.  Why?  I don’t know.  As far as I know, it is all private money.  Why does Lefty give a hoot about where you spend your hard earned Yankee dollars? Simply put, because Lefty does not think the money is yours. After all, you didn’t build that.  Remember, any amount of success that you’ve achieved is not due to your own hard work and savvy.  In Lefty’s small polluted mind, your success has occurred only because a benevolent state has afforded you that opportunity, and for that you owe the state...big.

The Left is also bent out of shape because while a billion and more has been raised for Notre Dame in a short period of time, little money was donated to three “black churches” in AL that burnt in supposed “hate crimes.”  First off, with regard to the arson being a “hate crime,” I have one question:  Where the hell was well-known “hate crime” hoaxster Juessie Smollett when these churches burst into flames?  We’ve seen these hoaxes before.  Until Smollett’s whereabouts are accounted for and/or the perps are caught, I don’t think we should call this a hate crime – well I don’t think it should ever be called a “hate crime.”  It’s a crime.

Next, for some odd and inexplicable reason the Left insists on calling Notre Dame a “white church” while calling the churches in AL “black churches.”  As far as I’m aware Notre Dame is a Catholic Church open to all races. It was only a short time ago that the largest in increase in the Catholic faith was found in Africa.  That’s weird for a white church.

I don’t know about the churches in AL.  I suspect that what the denizens of smart really mean when they say “black church” is a predominately black congregation. Unless Lefty is talking about a racist creep like Rev? Jerry Wright, what these racist describe is the congregation not the “church.”  I suspect that these AL churches would be most accurately described as “Christian Churches.” 

Simple test.  Ask the pastor if white people are welcome.  If he says yes, it is not a black church. It’s a Christian Church.  Well unless it is painted black.  Hell yeah it makes a differences.  Lefty is continually trying to divide us. This just one more way.  We aren’t “Christians.”  We’re now divided by Lefty into black and white Christians.

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