Monday, January 20, 2020

Conspiracy theory 1-2020

The impeachment scam is all a ploy to get Shrillda the Hutt the Demo-Dope nomination.  Step one:  Impeach PDJT.  Step two: The trial goes to the senate removing all Demo-Dope senators vying for the nomination from the campaign trail.  Step Three: Vote for witnesses at the impeachment trial to get slow Joe Biden exposed for the lying thieving scumbag that he is.  Step Four: The trial drags on for months fouling the Demo-Dope primaries.  Step Five:  No clear winner can be identified in the primary process.  Step Six:  Shrillda the Hutt rides in on a team of Clydesdales capable of pulling her ample azz and wins the nomination at a brokered Demo-Dope convention.

To combat this nefarious plot by the Hutt, Dope senators running for the nomination should simply recuse themselves from the process and return to the campaign trail.  Every one of these gasbags have made comments prejudicial to their being seen as impartial jurors.  

It would also be the first time ever many of these creeps have bothered to tell the truth.  That fact will probably work against them in a Demo-Dope primary as most Demo-Dope voters are of the lie early lie often variety.  “How you gonna lie about Trump when you can’t even lie about yourself” goes the Dope logic.  

My survival strategy for the impeachment process is to avoid as much of it as possible.  I’ll have to check out PMSNBC and CNN to see if they are off the rails.  The way this generally works is the smugger they are the bigger the bang that blows up in their faces.

It’s also going to be enjoyable to watch the hand wringing Rat establishment Republicans who try to thread the needle of appearing to be “open and fair-minded” while trying to stick the shiv as deep into PDJT’s back as possible.

What Republicans and a few Demo-Dopes ought to do is vote to dismiss this pile of crapola about 10 minutes into the proceedings. That’s the best way out of this BS for both parties and more importantly the country.

Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser is now fond of saying, “Impeachment is forever.”  Well Peloser, so is acquittal.       

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

The Demokrat VP question is an add on to Lex's 1/2020 theory. All about identity politics. Old white men are out. Especially if they are billionaires. Communist or socialist is a plus. Hillary Cankles is a possibility. Harris, Booker, and Yang are maybes for not being white. Klobachar and Tulsi for gender. Keeping in mind the selection is all about identity politics and not accomplishments. Where are Biden and Butthead is the mix? Two very white guys. One senile and the other one gay. Butthead Alfred Newman is one up here. The NY Times recommends two president's with Warren and Klobuchar splitting the job with a day shift pres and a night shift pres. But we know you can have only boss hen in the henhouse. My best guess is Biden-the sock puppet and Cankles. Cankles would move Slow Joe to the attic, steal his Social Security and take over. BUT Trump wins again. Cankles goes on a perpetual whiskey bender and lines up ghost writers for her knew victimhood book sales. Trump and Pence win again though.