Friday, January 03, 2020

Lex slams local fish wrap OpEd letters

RE: Kokomo Tribune OpEd of Jan 3, 2020 “Serious treatment of a serious issue”

The data for gun deaths is already there for anyone – even the Trib – to study.  Yet as drug overdoses killed a record 72,000 Americans last year, the Trib argues for wasting more money (25 million split between the CDC and NIH) on new “the fix is in” studies on “gun violence”.  Smart.

There were about 40,000 gun related deaths in 2017.  The overwhelming majority – about 24,000 – were due to suicide.  About 10,000 were murders committed with firearms of all kinds.  Only 403 of the murders were committed with rifles of all type.  But no doubt, the CDC/NIH will find that the undefinable “assault rifle” must be banned.  In any CDC/NIH study that conclusion will be written before the first piece of data is examined.  A large percentage of the murders occurred among gang members in Democrat controlled urban areas where strict gun control measures already exist. 

Conclusion: If you want to live longer, avoid gang activity, buy a gun for self-defense and move away from Democrat controlled urban areas. There, I just saved the federal government 25 million dollars.
Friday, January 03, 2020 1:00 am
Indiana voices
Serious treatment of a serious issue
Starting in 1996, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention self-imposed a ban on researching firearms deaths in the United States. The agency had been cowed by the National Rifle Association and the Republican-controlled House, among others, who accused it of being a fellow traveler of those pushing for gun control.
Fast forward to December 2012. The world was shocked by the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in which 28 people, including 20 first-graders, were shot to death. The following month, President Barack Obama issued a direct order to then-Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius to lift this prohibition and “conduct or sponsor research into the causes of gun violence and the ways to prevent it.”
Since then, the CDC has done little to nothing on this issue. Congress once again clamped down on dedicated funding for this valuable research. 
Cold, hard facts should always be welcome in a debate as serious as this one. And for the first time in 24 years, it looks like Americans and their lawmakers finally will get some.
The House-approved $1.4 trillion federal spending package includes $25 million for gun safety research. That funding will be split between the CDC and National Institutes of Health.
Without the needed data in hand, we can't have an intelligent discussion on gun violence in America. The CDC is uniquely qualified to do this research, yet it wasn't allowed to do so for more than 20 years for purely political reasons.
“As the nation's health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats,” reads its mission statement. “To accomplish our mission, CDC conducts critical science and provides health information that protects our nation against expensive and dangerous health threats, and responds when these arise.”
With its action to fund research on this uniquely American concern, Congress gave meaning to the CDC's mission.
More importantly, it said it would no longer be afraid of what researchers find on the subject of gun violence.
– Kokomo Tribune 

Re: Dorotha Fry Mason’s letter “GOP integrity shown to be in short supply” of Dec 30, 2019.

It’s always so much fun to read lefty letters in the JG where the writer points out the speck in someone else’s eye while they ignore the beam in their own. Take Dorotha Fry Mason’s letter “GOP integrity shown to be in short supply” of Dec 30, 2019 where the dear lady holds colossal gasbag NY Senator Chuck Schumer up as some kind of paragon of integrity.

In reality Schumer - AKA cryin’ Chuck – has been a double talking, double dealing, integrity free, partisan BS artist since he won election to the senate in 1998. Schumer can be relied upon to change his position on everything from war to the border wall as frequently as a yoga instructor depending on what the Democrat Party demands.  Schumer has demonstrated that he is little more than a slave to party politics – the country be damned.

The fact that anyone would hold this rudderless buffoon propelled by nothing other than the stream of party politics up as a Democrat with “courage” is a clear indication of just how bankrupt of integrity the Democrats are.                 

Monday, December 30, 2019 1:00 am
GOP integrity shown to be in short supply
I have Republican friends who are smart and I appreciate them. When I listened to the impeachment hearings, I have to wonder about some of the House Republicans.
They rant and rave. They never talk about the accusations – only the process and over and over again. They whine they don't have a chance to present witnesses but they have ample chances and, as has been pointed out time and again, the president was asked to present his side but he chose not to do so. The Republicans act like little puppies tagging along with whatever Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump say to do.
Does not anyone have an idea of their own except Sen. Chuck Schumer, who has shown amazing courage in standing up to McConnell? I do hope and pray many of the others will look deep into their consciences and think of the values of our country. We do not want nor need to follow in Germany's state of affairs in following their dictator. We need a mature president who thinks, has integrity, who respects all people and the values of America. May it be so.
Dorotha Fry Mason
North Manchester

JG letters to the editor from the tiresome “resistance” have to make reasonable people scratch their heads.  Take Melinda Capozza’s letter “Examine all evidence, then decide on Trump” of Dec 30, 2019 where she states that “Obstruction of Congress appears to be rather obvious.”  Huh?  Obvious?  Really?

The obstruction of congress article of impeachment stems from the executive branch exercising its constitutional privilege to protect the executive branch from congressional overreach.  Presidents of both parties have exercised the exact same privilege.  When the privilege is deemed to be frivolous or excessive, congress has in the past taken the executive branch to court – a la Richard Nixon – to resolve the issue.

Entering into the courts for resolution of the matter this time around did not fit the Democrat timetable for impeachment, so they simply and foolishly added it as an article of impeachment.

If Capozza is “counting on the witnesses to tell the truth” she shouldn’t hold her breath.  It is unlikely that the crackhead Hunter Biden who, were it not for his last name, is an unemployable grifter, his gaffe a minute old man or the non-whistleblowing political hack liar who kicked the whole Democrat inspired scam off in the first place will ever come forward to tell the truth.

If obstruction of congress is reed upon which impeachment hangs, the only possible “fair and impartial outcome” in this hoax is a quick acquittal. 
Dec 30,2019
Examine all evidence, then decide on Trump
I am trying to maintain an open mind about the impeachment charges – waiting to process the evidence as to whether Donald Trump is guilty or innocent of the charges. Obstruction of Congress appears to be rather obvious. Not so obvious is abuse of power. I'm counting on the witnesses to tell the truth, and on our representatives and senators to defend the Constitution regardless of partisan politics.
One can only hope for a fair and impartial outcome.
Melinda Capozza

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