Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Who you gonna believe your own eyes or the lyin' MSM

Working on this piece for the daily fish wrap.  Have Doc appointment will finish later, but you get the point.

Ms. Smith is proof positive that age doesn’t necessarily equal wisdom.

Killing murderous Muslim jihadis, who Democrats now defend.

Throwing MS-13 gang members the He*l out of the country, which Democrats now oppose.

Lowering taxes, which Democrats promise to raise.
Securing the country’s borders, which Democrats demand be open.

Putting America first, which, depending on the issue, Democrats place somewhere between 28th and 128th.

It’s funny Democrats are always looking at military service as an indicator of honor when a Republican fails the test but ignore it when a long line of Democrats duck service or lie about it.  Biden got the exact same deferment as Trump, John Kerry chickened out of Vietnam by collecting three unwarranted purple hearts and embellishing his war record, Bill Clinton chickened out of Vietnam, Barack Obama never served, Da Nang Dick Blumenthal lied through his teeth about his service record as did Democrat Tom Harkin, etc. etc.  So pull the beam from your own eye before pointing out the speck in someone else’s eye.     

Ms. Smith’s logic free letter can be summed up when she turns 900 years of common law on its head with demands that Trump prove his innocence of the litany of bogus charges that Democrats began leveling before his inauguration. It doesn’t matter that the House articles of impeachment are as phony as a T-shirt declaring Clemson the winner 2020 National Championship game, Trump MUST prove his innocence.  Sorry, that’s not how any of this is supposed to work.

If Jesus himself and a team angels and arc angels descended into the senate to present Trumps case, Democrats would ignore the second coming and accuse Trump having “the best defense team money could buy” and add that charge to the articles of impeachment.

Democrats have already promised that when Trump is acquitted, Democrats will immediately begin new impeachment inquiries - so what’s the point?

Trial gives Trump chance to put country before himself
This is in response to Judy Scheumann's Dec. 28 letter, “Democrats desperate to thwart Trump's agenda.” I must ask, what in the world is Trump's agenda? Other than benefiting Donald.
You stated that the Democrats should stop wasting money and time and get back to running our country. Have you taken time to check the facts? This Democratic House has passed more than 400 bills that have been sent to the Senate, and Mitch McConnell refuses to act on any of them. Trump is always saying “The do-nothings” – is he referring to the Republican Senate?
I was born during the Hoover administration and have lived through 15 presidents. Seven Republicans and seven Democrats each had different opinions on many subjects but always found common ground to achieve what was best for this country. But the 15th has no common ground for anything but Trump. This man has no concern for this great nation, one that I fought to defend during the Korean War, and he was not the least bit interested in defending the USA. He stated, I couldn't be in the Army because with my bone spur, I wouldn't be able to march. It doesn't seem to keep him off the golf course every day.
If he has a bone spur, it has to be between his ears. For any man to say and do the things Trump has done only intensifies my belief that we have a president with a problem.
This president has refused to cooperate with the House in its investigation about the Ukraine phone call. He refuses to testify or allow any of his White House staff to talk to Congress. In my 90-plus years, one thing I have become aware of is that an innocent person has nothing to hide and is willing to go to any length it to prove it.
Mr. Trump, are you willing to prove it? Will you talk to Congress, or let your staff testify to prove there is nothing the Democrats have on you? For once, do something that will benefit this great country. Be a smart man. I know this will be difficult for you, but for the good of our great country, please try.
Jackie D. Smith
Fort Wayne

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