Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Must miss TV

Oh hell no.  I didn’t catch much of Chuckles the weeping clown Scummer’s 12 ton bag of BS yesterday.  It’s Scummer’s 12 ton bag BS because the Dope apparently thought arguing the same point ad nauseam for 12 hours was somehow compelling TV.  The Dopes were outraged at waterboarding and called it torture.  After about the 6th hour Scummer’s 12 ton bag of BS, I wonder how many senators would have gladly undergone waterboarding to get the hell out of the Senate for the rest of the proceedings.

So was anything new learned yesterday?  Not from what I’ve seen and read so far.  It was a third rerun from the House Sh*tff Show and fat Jerry Nadler’s hearings and was reiterated 11 times yesterday.  What are they going to talk about today?  Same old excrement.

So who’s watching this crapola?  Idunno.  The hospitals probably have it on the rooms of the brain dead in the hope that grandpa will, in frustration, roll over and shout, “Turn that sh*t off!”  Demo-Dopes are probably glued to every word to get there talking points. Lemmesee, “Cover Up” is the operative one that saw.  PDJT is covering up his crime committed during a call to the President of Ukraine by releasing the transcript of the call to the President of the Ukraine.  Like “The Purloined Letter” it was hiding in plain sight the entire time clueless Dopes were looking for it.

I couldn’t bear any of it.  But TMC was running an Andy Hardy day.  So after the third flick of Andy getting caught up in a love triangle while saving the high dance/play/musical/parade/class election (pick one) I flipped over to Fox and caught this brilliant analysis by Piss Wallace. 

After agreeing that the hearing so far was repetitive, boring and total rehash of things that were already hashed and rehashed twice in the house, Wallace thought the PDJT’s defense team was missing an opportunity because they were not taking the whole hour allotted them to defend PDJT.  As Piss put it, they were missing out on the opportunity to address 5 million cable tv viewers. 

OK of the 5 million about 5 hadn’t made up their minds on what was going on.  Another 5 could possibly have their minds changed by anything that might be said during the Scummer’s 12 ton bag of BS.  That’s a lot of BS to sift through to recover a lost penny.

The other big news this morning is Chief Justice Roberts admonishing both sides for their rhetoric in the senate.  He called it “the world’s greatest deliberative body.”  Did he see what those cretins did to his colleague Justice Cavanaugh?  World’s greatest deliberative body my ever shrinking azz.  The senate is the world’s greatest body of lying, thieving, overpaid, partisan, anti-American, pompous, arrogant, self-important, double dealing D-bags.  Watching video of these doddering old fools stagger in out of the hearing room looked old geezers lining up for the early bird special at a Denny’s across the street from The Villages. It truly did look like God’s waiting room.

Roberts once again proved he’s an azz bag.  Dopes call PDJT the “grand wizard of 1600 PA Ave” and Roberts admonishes both side for rhetoric when PDJT’s team fights back.  Way to go Johnny.  You’re doing a heck of a job.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

To Lex's point: How can anyone trust this Senate Sh** Show? President of WV University Gordon Gee, previously Pres of THE OSU said Sept of 2018 that the approval rating of the press was now in the single digits and slightly below that of Congress. This was claimed as terribly FALSE and explained that congressional approval rating was 15 percent and the press approval rating was 29 percent by a then recent poll. Well now...that's makes Pres Gordon way wrong! In other words, liars are reporting on liars as they steal oxygen from the rest of us in this Demokrat impeachment political fund raising event. The whole impeachment thing reminds us again of why we hate The Swamp and The MSM. Gordon Gee's single digits number? He might be correct in the next few weeks.