Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Dope case looks like a Japanese city after Godzilla strolled through

I watched a good deal of PDJT’s defense tam yesterday.  Yes, I was disappointed that they didn’t come right out and call Schittfy Schiff, Fat Jerry Nadler, the house managers writ large and 99.99999% of Caligula, D.C. Democrats low life, scum sucking, anti-American, lying, thieving, commie-loving sh*t for brains.  That’s probably why I’m not a lawyer or politician.

All that said, I thought that the defense destroyed the House Managers case pretty systematically.  Clean up man Alan Dershwowitz hit it out of the park.  Republicans should have moved for a vote on the articles of impeachment immediately after Dershowits finished. I am an admitted partisan, so take that assessment with a block of salt.  But don’t take my word for it.  After Mr. D finished, Mrs. Lex commented, “That’s the only guy they needed.”

If I were to offer some mild criticism – that’s what PJed up critics do, sit outside the arena and point out where the strong man stumbled -  Mr. D wasted his time and breath asking Dopes to think about fairness, the country, the Constitution, the law etc. 

Dopes do not give a damn about any of that.  He’d have been much better off telling Dope that if they wanted to continue to be able to line their pockets at the public trough and roam the halls of power in Caligula, D.C. they’d stop this foolishness at the first opportunity. That’s something that might resonate with Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser, Shittfy and the rest of their azzweasel Dope buds.

“Lex you cannot say that about Dopes.  That’s what they do to us.”  The difference is that it is true with them.  Again the age old question, “Okay, let’s say Dopes don’t hate the country, how would what they are doing be any different if they did?”

The Bolon question
Why do our guys always go rough?  I was a big Bolton guy at one time.  I know the guy wants to sell books, but why doesn’t he come out and tell what the hell is going on?

I don’t believe the Times story.  My guess is that it’s 98% hype wrapped round 1.5% truth to sell a book.

We don’t need to go any further back than the reports that circulated about the Blower’s report that kicked this national tragedy off.  Remember the report supposedly had PDJT asking for a quid pro quo 8 times and all manner of other BS?  That all blew up in the Blower’s and the Dopes faces when PDJT released the transcript. 

But the point is that the reports about the call were total BS.  My guess the reports about Bolton’s book are BS as well.  Bolton could put it all to rest by going on Lou Dobbs tonight. He’s nothing more than another deep-state azzweasel for putting his book deal above the welfare of the country. 

All weak kneed Rat establishment Republicans needed was some uncorroborated NY Times account of Bolton’s book to dump PDJT and run to the supposed safety of the Dope side on witnesses. 

My guess is we’re now 55-45 in favor of witnesses.  The ReRs going along with this are no better than Dopes described in the 1st paragraph.   

If you believe that the country is ill served by this divisive BS impeachment, then anything that prolongs it is necessarily every bit as evil as the process itself.

If the Bolton book is the smoking gun, put 50 copies of everything in the book dealing with Ukraine, the Bidens and Barisma in the SCIF and ask senators to go read it.  Case closed.  No.  Dopes will still demand to ask questions of Bolton. 

ReR will cave on witnesses.  They will allow Dopes to call all the witnesses they want.  They will not allow PDJT to call the witnesses he wants.

They are talking about a tit-for-tat arrangement with regard to witnesses.  We’ll give you Hunter if you give us Bolton.  This is BS.  It should be a tit-for-tat-tat-tat-tat arrangement.  The Dopes had a free run in the House.  The Republicans should allow PDJT’s team the opportunity to make up ground. 

So the Dopes get Bolton and the Defense gets Hunter, Joe, the blower, Shittfy, the IG and three others.            

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

The Crazy Impeachment Dems are like the naked meth'd out guy running down a city street. The cops taze him and he sue's the city for excessive force for $10M. Common sense says the guy should pay the city but if was caught on video in a Dem controlled city who knows will happen. Eventually the cops wise up and let these nuts play Frogger, getting run over by city buses and cement trucks. A lot of people look at these Dems as crazy. Not capable. Should never run anything.