Thursday, January 06, 2005

Dumb and Dumber

In a move that has to have Karl Rove rolling on the ground from laughing so hard, red state Democrat senators worried and shaking their heads and gives new meaning to the word losers, house Democrats led by John “The turkey thief” Conyers and Nancy “My face isn’t stretched tighter than a drum from botox” Pelosi and Democrat Senator Barbara “What me worry - I’ve already won reelection” Boxer are challenging the election results in Ohio. (No, I don’t think that wasn’t a run-on sentence.) This is after an expensive recount in Ohio gave John Kerry a staggering additional 300 votes thus trimming President Bush’s victory in Ohio to 118,457. If that rate holds, Kerry will overtake Bush on the 198th recount. Given that it took Ohio 56 days to get through the first recount, it’ll only take a little over 30 years for Kerry to gain the required Electoral votes. He’ll be 91 years old. Let the recounts continue!

To any sane Democrat left out there: This is why fewer and fewer Americans take your lunatic party seriously anymore. You have dopes like Boxer challenging the legitimacy the guy that won the Electoral College by 35 votes and the popular vote by more than 3,000,000 votes. Then you have Ted “More people have drowned in the back of my car than from water boarding” Kennedy complaining about water boarding of terrorist prisoners. Water boarding is technique that gives the prisoner the sense that he is drowning. By the way, most of America’s Special Forces and aviators under-go water boarding as part of their training. You’d think that somewhere along the way someone would have told Ted, “We’d better let someone else ask about water boarding. After all, you drowned that woman in the backseat of your car... remember?”

But when your adversary is bashing his head against a brick wall, why intervene? Because, like when a three-year-old is beating on a drum in front of the TV during the Super Bowl, there is only so much one can take.

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