Tuesday, January 11, 2005

What's the problem? I'm covered.

There is a saying in the naval services, a polite way of pointing out a self-centered, one-way creep. The assaying goes, “Pull up the ladder. I’m aboard.” In the old’n days of naval service, when men were made of steel and ships of wood, if a party went ashore for liberty they likely were rowed ashore in a long boat. They would return in the same manner. To re-board the ship they’d have to climb a rope ladder up the side. The saying comes from some self-centered senior doofus who made the climb, and then with complete disregard for his shipmates still in the long boat, ordered the ladder hoisted up because, after all, he was aboard.

RINO Representative Rob Simmons who represents some 650,000 voters in Connecticut gives new meaning to that old naval saying. In comments on reforming Social Security one way Rob opined, "Why stir up a political hornet's nest .... when there is no urgency? When does the program go belly up? 2042. I will be dead by then." Translation: “Why should I, Rob Simmons, perhaps the most important person in the universe, risk my political career on a bill that won’t even line my own pockets with taxpayer money? Pull up the ladder. I'm aboard”

This Social Security thing is just heating up. The two things libs will try to obscure are: 1) It’s your money in the first place. (Don’t believe that employer matching crap. If the employer wasn’t matching it, he could pay it to the employee.) 2) You don’t have to participate. That’s right. If you think the people that run the post office, Amtrak, buy $600 toilet seats (I could go on for hours but you get the point.) can manage your money better than you can yourself, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ENROLL IN THE PROGRAM.

Contact one-way Rob @ http://www.house.gov/simmons/email.html. (Which doesn’t work very well) or:

Congressman Rob Simmons
215 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-2076
Fax: (202) 225-4977

Give him the old lib mantra, “It’s for the children.”

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