Friday, January 14, 2005

Just too many coincidences

In the post several below, I noted that not to believe in God requires that you believe in a very long list of coincidences and evolution. After a couple of days of thought, here are just a few of the most obvious coincidences that come to mind:

- Is it just a coincidence that the earth is perfectly positioned in relation to the sun to support life? By space standards, were the earth’s orbit moved a tiny fraction in any direction it would be just another lifeless rock floating in space.

- Is it just a coincidence that in the main, earth’s one year journey around the sun perfectly supports a growing season to feed us and a dormant season to replenish the earth? Imagine if the earth’s journey around the sun were accelerated. Would plants mature in time to support life? Imagine if it slowed. How many days of winter could we endure before starving? Of the endless possibilities, why 365 ¼ days?

- Is it just a coincidence that the earth rotates on its axis at a rate that perfectly divides night and day? Why not a 36 hour day? Or two sunrises in a 24 hour period? Of all of the possibilities why a perfect 24 hours?

- Is it just a coincidence that earth’s atmosphere is perfectly suited to support the plethora of life found here? Why can’t man with all of his genius recreate what is just an accident? We’ve all read about these stupid biosphere projects where man tries to sustain life in a sealed dome. By about day three, they have to adjust the air pumping toxins out and fresh air in. By about the third week they have to pump fresh water in. By about the third month they have to ship food in and excrement out. By about the fourth month, after everyone in the biosphere bails out of their living hell, the scientists declare the experiment a huge success.

- Is it just a coincidence that of all of the, I don’t know, thousands or millions of species and sub-species man is the only creature with a free will, capable of rational thought and the ability to exchange ideas? How unlikely is that?

- Now this is where it gets down right freaky. Study any part of any living thing. Study your own hand. Is it a coincidence that everything is perfectly matched form to function? Study a pine cone or flower. Is it a coincidence that they are at the same time simple in design but complex in function, beautiful but remarkably efficient? When man tries to make something, the more complex the task, the more complex the design. Think of the space shuttle here. And aren’t we more often than not forced to trade esthetics for efficiency. What’s pretty about a nail? If God made nails I suspect that each head would as intricate and different as a snow flake and the body would tiny different collored flecks throughout, oh yeah, they wouldn't bend when hit crooked. Some might say that man, through crossbreeding and cross-pollinating has created many new breeds. Sure, man tinkers, it’s his nature. It’s the whole free will thing. But Gods idea of a dog is a wolf. Man’s pathetic attempt to improve on God’s work, which depending on His mood caused either a chuckle or a raised eyebrow, results in a Lhasa Apso.

The doubter will argue that these designs occurred over millions of years and are simply due to evolution and natural selection. Why would evolution care about the beauty of anything? Evolution being what it is, shouldn’t the whole world look like the inside of a Klingon battle cruiser? But that’s an argument for another day.

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