Thursday, July 20, 2006

Being an idiot means never having to say thank you

Katrina II
Not since Katrina co-conspirators refused to leave New Orleans, have we seen a group of people so ungrateful for Uncle Sam, at taxpayer expense, saving their bacon. Idiots who ignored a raft of government warnings not to travel to Lebanon are now upset because Uncle Sam did not move quickly enough to get them out of a mess of their own making.

Is anyone else tired of huge sums of tax money going to rebuild the homes of millionaires who insist on building in the flood plain or a hurricane zone or on shifting ground that happens to have an ocean view? Well the evacuation of Lebanon seems to be exactly the same thing. The government issues warnings to travelers not to go to Lebanon. They go anyway. Now it’s Uncle Sam’s responsibility to get them out. When the mission is accomplished at great expense and effort by people much smarter than the evacuees, the evacuees complain about how long it took and having to pay for their own stupidity. Rare has been the common sense, common decency “thank you for saving me from my own stupidity” from one of these pathetic ungrateful, self-centered dopes. Ain’t America great?

High-minded people on the left and right and particularly in the UN are talking about proportionality in Israel’s latest struggle to survive. Proportionality - you know the - you pinch me, I flick your ear games of children in school. What would be the proportional response for someone who lobs hundreds of missiles into a border town say, San Diego? Then say the missiles are fired by a terrorist group known as the Open Borders Army for the destruction of the US. Then say the Mexican government refused to deploy its army to stop the firings. Then say the Open Borders group enters the US and kidnaps our citizens. What would be the proportional response to that set of circumstances?

Given the circumstances, it seems to me that Israel has demonstrated remarkable restraint. I think the Israelis should be expending a little less ordinance on Lebanon and a lot more on Syria. But the weenies now complaining about proportionality would be apoplectic if Israel went after the real culprits. The US should tell Basshar Assad to knock it off or else.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.