Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Bush knows Jack S@$%

Holy S@$% Batman
The MSM is harrumphing about President Bush’s use of a barnyard expletive during an unguarded moment yesterday. Liberal weenies are set to start the impeachment hearings as soon as they gain control of the house in November. After Bush’s remarks yesterday, sure to be among the charges is a count of “rude and crude behavior” unbecoming a US President. And these are the same people that defended President Clinton’s barnyard behavior while in office.

Well a flash poll of the three people in the room (one no fan of Bush) when this story broke was laughter followed by praise, followed by “even I can understand what he means, which is unusual for a pol speak.” The fact that what the president said is spot on is ignored by the dopes in the MSM who prefer to focus on one four letter word. I don’t always agree with the president, but I appreciate the clarity of George Bush. Contrary to the MSM view, President Bush’s use of a way too common vulgarity while expressing a clear and correct thought is sure to endear to most Americans.

The next step ought to be for the president to issue an ultimatum to Basshar Assad: Get out of Iraq. Get out of Lebanon. Cease all aid and comfort Hamas and Hezbollah or Damascus is going to look like the Jolly Green Giant’s gravel pit.

More proof that the UN is worthless
As if we needed any more, President Bush’s remarks, a hopelessly inadequate resolution on North Korea, unwillingness to deal with Iran in any meaningful way and an absolute nothing on the current Middle East chaos is proof positive that the UN is huge waste of time and money.

Newt Gingrich is making headlines by announcing that we are now engaged in WWIII. Anyone familiar with this page knows that Lex has been trying to pound home the seriousness of the war on ITF. It will not surprise many that I agree 100% that we are engaged in a world war and that the stakes could not be higher. I disagree that it’s WWIII. Someone, Victor Davis Hanson I think, has made a strong case that it is actually WWIV. Davis or whomever makes a strong case that the Cold War was actually WWIII.


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