Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Bill Maher's heroes and white women

UPDATE ON BILL MAHER: Another of Bill Maher’s courageous heroes died Monday in an intentional plane crash that also took the life of the pilot’s 8 year old daughter. After being notified of the murder-suicide, Bill Maher wondered aloud, “Where do we find such men?”

The Griffin points the fickle finger of shame and blame on an unlikely group who he believes has gotten us where we are today in this tongue-in-cheek (I think) piece:

Doesn’t it seem as though the Dems were never in power from 1992-2000. Where was the big push by the Clintonians for solutions to global warming, terrorism, minimum wage, funding for education, aids research, racism, etc.? Listening to all the pandering going on this weekend to the black churches [Editor’s note: There has yet to be one white pol show up to my church – that’s discrimination!] , NAACP, CORE, etc, concerning the march on Selma was sickening.

Shillary presents everything in such a negative light it comes off as an “us against them” scenario. I guess in an unfortunate and twisted way this generates what I call “Fear-Based” political donations. I have never heard this term but you know the story. If the NRA says that “they” are taking your pheasant gun away then increases in membership and donations occurs to offset “them”. So the goal is to scare the last nickels from everyone’s pockets to prevent “the man from keeping us down”. Well guess what….men are not in the majority in this country. Men are in the minority.

So we get a lecture laden with the visual cues of the 1960’s barking police dogs, bus seating, fire hoses, etc, when the Democratic Party ran the south and how the majority in this country has to change the rules thereby making it unfair for some and gratuitous to others. All I can say is don’t look to me. The majority group in this country based on color and sex are white women of which I am not one. Shillary is part of that majority and a powerful sitting senator and ex-first lady. Her party has the congress and the senate. Her party had the presidency for 8 of the last 14 years and the Supreme Court’s swing vote for 20 years was/is a white woman (O’Connor). It was white woman Democrats that tricked poor Bill when Shillary was running the show the first time. Poor Bill! Who is holding whom back? The Dems have had the congress more than the republicans since 1960 and more white women are democrat than are republican. Therefore white women in the Democratic Party need to figure out how to make it fair for everyone. They have held us back too long and I am sick of it.

Therefore I am proposing a Million Republican Man March on Washington DC this spring. Our goal is to throw off the shackles of our bondages and address the stereotyping of stupid sex crazed Neanderthals. I will be in the front row too, if my wife lets me go. It is tough living without the freedom to play poker and fish whenever I want to. It isn’t easy having the responsibilities of always having to lift anything in our house that weighs over 20 pounds. And guess who has to go out and start the car whenever the temperature drops below 65 degrees? I have had it with these white woman democrats! “Onward Christian soldiers as if off to war”…….it’s up to us now my brother. The Griffin sends.

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