Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A pretext for war

It’s déjà vu all over again, Iranians snatching Westerners. This time it’s 15 Brit Sailors and Marines from Iraqi waters. Rosie the blimp O’Donnell (Blimp being a perfect metaphor for Rosie – huge, thin-skinned, non-ridged, air craft that maintains it’s form by pressure of contained gas or hot air.) has warned us that this is a Gulf of Tonkin moment – look it up she told us. Wow, that’s a stroke of genius by Bush and Blair. Whoda thought that Bush was clever enough to goad Iran into an act of war that would provide the pretext for destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Lex has noted before that probably the worst scenario for destroying Iranian nukes is to have the Israelis do it for us. First, the Israeli air force cannot generate the sorties and lack some of the special munitions necessary to do a complete job of reducing Iran’s nuke program to rubble in a reasonable amount of time. The British and American Naval and Air Forces have the capability to surge the hundreds of sorties necessary over a few days to get the job done right.

Next, the people in Middle East will not take kindly to the Jewish state launching an “unprovoked” bombing campaign on a Muslim theocracy. Governments around the Middle East would publicly wail in outrage to appease nut-job mullahs, while privately cabling Israel on a job well-done. The British ought to do a Teddy Roosevelt on the Iranians; the hostages alive or Ahmadinejad dead within in 72 hours – or else. If the Iranians agree, the British ought to demand the release of the hostages and 85 billion apiece for the inconvenience. If the Iranians agree, the British ought to demand the release of the hostages, 85 billion apiece and require that President Ahmadinejad be stripped naked with a choker around his Harry Reid like neck and paraded through the streets of Tehran on leash held by Lyndie England. If they agree…well you get the point just make sure they don’t agree. Then do what needs to be done.

The alternative would be to get Jimmy Carter and the group negotiating the release of the kidnapped Israeli soldiers on the blower and ask them what to do.

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