Tuesday, March 13, 2007

DemoRATS duck Fox

DemoRAT candidates have backed out of a planned debate in Nevada sponsored by the Fox News Channel. The given reason for the DemoRAT retreat, or is that redeployment, from FNC was that FNC chief – oops don’t tell the NCAA of that bit of Indian lingo least they see fit to ban Lex from the college campus - Roger Ailes made a disparaging reference to Barack Obama. That’s not true. True, Ailes mentioned the chosen one’s name, but only to poke fun at President Bush. The gist being, the president is seeing news of Obama all over the place. So he calls the CIA and says, “Look I’m seeing reports of Obama everywhere. Why can’t we catch him?”

Now the DemoRATS and their MSM lemmings are in high dudgeon about the joke – that they didn’t get. They are rapidly becoming the party of Emily Lattelas. Emily Lattella is the clueless Gilda Radner character on SNL. Emily would do commentary on the SNL News Cast but always confused the gist of the issue – presidential elections became presidential erections, equal rights became eagle rights and so on. Then, when set straight by Jane Curtain at the end of her commentary, she’d just say, “Nevermind”.

What’s needed now is for Ailes to come back and do the Dan Aykroyd bit from SNL’s Point – Counterpoint. “DemoRATS, you ignorant dolts! It was a joke about the president not Obama. The fact that I didn’t refer to the president as Bushitler must have caused you to miss that fact.”

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