Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Pace and Pope not OK with I'm OK you're OK crowd

Uh oh! Chairman of the Joint Chiefs (is the NCAA going to ban this term from the college campus?) of Staff, Marine General Peter Pace is in hot water with the I’m OK you’re OK, anything goes crowd. Pace’s sin was to mention in a recent interview that he was raised to believe that homosexual acts were immoral. Well Katie bar the bar, all he** has broken loose, recrimination, followed by apologies, followed by demands for a resignation, followed by demands for the general’s head all for saying what he believed.

In a fashion typical of today’s “conservative politicians”, typical conservatives are running for cover. “Why we abhor such comments. Why how could he say such a thing. Why how could he place my political career in danger by forcing me to formulate a response that is left enough that it doesn’t get me in trouble with loud-mouth gays and right enough that I don’t get savaged by a real conservative in the primary. Thank God he didn’t call them faggots.”

How about a good old fashion, “Hey 98% of the people of General Pace’s generation were raised with the same understanding. Why is this news? Is he violating the law? Is he running the military in a manner inconsistent with the idiotic hogwash this collection of 535 know-it-alls called congress has asked him? We, in typical political fashion, tried to split the baby with don’t ask don’t tell. In our effort to make everyone happy, we have made nobody happy. Right now, I’m more concerned with winning battles and wars than PC BS.”

Pace didn’t back to far from his comments when given the chance for a do-over. He insisted that he should have kept his comments focused on the current policy of don’t ask don’t tell and left his personal opinions out of the conversation. Suddenly the I’m OK you’re OK crowd has found something they are not OK with. The tolerance crowd, that dismisses about every rule and social taboo with a glib “who am I to judge”, is now quite happy to judge General Pace. Bigot, homophobe etc. now follow General Pace’s name from those urging compassion and tolerance. But it seems Pace is in good company.

In a development that is likely to get Catholics banned from military service from a Lib congress, Pope Benedict XVI yesterday set out "nonnegotiable values" as he urged Catholic lawmakers to oppose laws favoring divorce, abortion, homosexual "marriage" and euthanasia. Holy cow! Then the pope exhorted "Catholic politicians and legislators ... to introduce and support laws inspired by values grounded in human nature."

Noooooo! This guy actually wants Catholics to live their faith. That’s NOT OK. Then he put a dagger in the heart of I’m OK you’re OK relativism and liberal equivocation on every moral issue when he wrote, "These values are not negotiable, respect for human life, its defense from conception to natural death [and] the family built upon marriage between a man and a woman." Ouch, where does that leave don’t ask don’t tell?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The two parts of the discussion are military readiness and personal beliefs. When the majority of military leaders say that homo's will not effect miliatry readiness and will not get killed by their comrades, I will listen to the argurement of tossing out the present policy (which is like kissing your brother).But when you ask a military leader his/her/its personal belief on the morality of homosexuality then faint from from his candidness, you should revert back to the original policy of don't ask and don't tell. You asked, he told! The Griffin.