Monday, February 23, 2009

Do we really need Black History Month?

Sure we might be on the verge of a self imposed economic collapse because of the dopes in D.C. However, the one good thing we can say for certain is that, with the election of the Dear Leader, we have once and for all put racism behind us. That was the hope of guilt ridden liberal whites when they pulled the trigger for the Dear leader, so it must be true – right?

What’s the evidence? Well there isn’t any. In fact, what evidence there is indicates the contrary. What the…? On Nov 4th, we elected the first sort of black president. Doesn’t that put an end to the lie that we are a racist nation?

No! Again, it’s quite the contrary. In spite of the guilt ridden white Liberals, apparently racism in America is alive and well.

Exhibit one: Racist Republicans opposed the Dear Leader’s reparations bill. That’s really all that needs to be said to prove racism is alive and well in America. How could these Republicans – crackers everyone – dare oppose the Dear Leader? There is only one answer. They are racists.

Exhibit two: Even after the enlightened got the reparations bill passed, several white governors are refusing the “with several hundred strings attached” federal hand out. When governors in LA, TX, MS and SC - or in what SC Rep Jimmy the race baiter Clyburn terms the “black belt” – indicated that they might not take the federal money Jimmy started screaming, “Racism!!!” Now some of you probably laugh when I call the stimulus bill the reparations bill. What the heck is Jimmy race baiter talking about then when he says refusal to take reparations money from D.C. is racist? Well now you know. So if Jimmy the race baiter thinks it’s racist not to take the reparations money, who do you think Jimmy thinks is going to get the money? Oddly Jimmy the race baiter didn’t throw Sarah Palin in with the others. Apparently native Alaskans aren’t sufficiently black enough for Palin to be called a racist for turning down the money.

Exhibit three: Monkey cartoons are verboten. In an odd sort of Muslim thing, professional race baiters confirmed their status as being perpetually offended by being offended by a political cartoon. Not unlike Muslims who riot at the drop of a Koran real or imagined, Al let’s go burn Freddy’s Fashion Mart Sharpton is agitating against the NY Post for conflating two recent news stories into one cartoon - the recent chimpanzee shooting and passage of the reparations bill. The cartoon shows two cops standing over a slain chimp and the line “I guess we’ll have to look for someone else to write the next stimulus package.” Well Al and a bunch of others believe that the cartoon is racist and that – recent news stories be damned – the dead chimp is really the Dear Leader. Never mind the fact that two crackers – Pelosi and Reid - wrote the reparations bill. I guess stupid white people should be mad at the Post as well. But OK fine, the NY Post should apologize. Right after the Dear Leader apologizes to Sarah Palin for making a much less veiled comment about her being a “pig with lipstick.” Oh that’s right this “racist” knife only cuts one way. So the Post should tell Sharpton the only way the cartoon could be misconstrued is if he – Sharpton – thinks the Dear Leader looks like a chimp. In which case, it’s Sharpton who owes the Dear Leader an apology.

Exhibit four: Someone explain Black History Month to me. Used to be we’d have to watch a month of Shaft movies and listen to learned blacks talk about their experience – which were, coincidently uniformly bad – growing up black in America. Now we have a black a president and Attorney General. The movies are much better, but the conversation is still about how wretched life is for black Americans. Hey I’m the first to admit if I could chose the happenstance of my birth it’d be white – male - American. Sure I hit life’s trifecta. But my second, third, fourth and on down to about 1,500th choices would all end with American. So yeah you’ll run into discrimination here and there, but where else would you want to be? And haven’t we made any progress? In some respects I agree we’ve gone backward. Dr. King and other brave people marched against segregation. How would King feel now walking on campuses where black students demand a black student union, black history, black dorms, black homecoming queens, black proms? Isn’t self-imposed segregation none the less segregation?

Exhibit last: Eric the biggest coward of them all Holder said we were a nation of cowards because we refused to have a conversation about race. First, seems to me that race is about the only thing we ever discuss. We’ve even devoted an entire month of the year to race baiting. Ask Imus, Trent Lott, the NY Post or any other small town or fortune 500 company where race baiters show up if we don’t talk about race. But let me ask Brave Brave Sir Holder why in the hell would anyone with a brain get into conversation about race when that anyone knows how the conversation will end? It will end with that anyone being called a racist. So, Brave Brave Sir Holder why even go down that road? It’s the race baiters like Holder who stifle the conversation.

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