Thursday, February 05, 2009

Too expensive? Just add money to buy more votes

So pretend you are a member of congress. NO! Don’t order that lobotomy! We’re just pretending! Jeeeeez! A bill comes across your desk. Because we're just pretending and you haven't actually been lobotomized, you actually read the bill. It’s way too expensive. Like paying $10,000 dollars to feed a family of four lunch at McDonald’s too expensive. So you tell the “leadership,” “I can’t vote for that. It’s way too expensive.”

So the leadership says, “Too expensive huh? How about we add another $200 million to the bill so we can build libraries in your district with your name on them?” Since you haven’t been lobotomized, you tell them to go to hell. That will only make it worse.

But for the brain dead idiots in Washington D.C. this is how it’s done. The Reparations…uh…stimulus bill came out of the House at $815 billion. It ran into opposition in senate, so now it’s at $900+ billion as Dems try to buy off senators one by one.

Sen. Lugnut won’t vote for our bill.

Offer him a $1 billion for his state.

Suddenly Sen. Lugnut becomes a pragmatic Chicken Little. “The sky will definitely fall if we don’t pass this bill in the next couple of days.” A couple of days pass. “The sky is definitely beginning to fall and it’ll be much worse if don’t pass this bill today.”

This idiocy is going to continue to grow until the Dems buy off enough votes

Now if Rham Emmanuel gets on the phone with Gov. Blago and Blago wants a union job for appointing Emmanuel’s cousin to the Senate, that’s criminal. But if Scrawny Harry Reid gets on the phone to Sen. Lugnut and offer’s him $1 billion of taxpayer money for crooked state projects for the Sen.'s cousin in exchange for the Sen.'s vote, that’s just good politics.

We need to send the whole lot to G’itmo and start over. On second thought G’itmo is way too good for these creeps. Put them in with the general population at Statesville Prison in Joliet.

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