Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hold on to your wallet the Demo-Dopes are having a sale

We all know that hypocrisy and Demo-Dope go hand in hand. You have the limousine Libs like Johnny love child (or is it sex child) Edwards lamenting the plight of the poor while sporting a $400 haircut. You have the enviro hypocrites jetting to and fro like Al do as I say not as do Gore. You have policy hypocrites like little Timmy Turbo Tax Geithner who was TOO BIG to pay taxes but now runs the government office responsible for collecting those taxes from all of us too honest to cheat types. You have another Demo-Dope in charge of writing the tax code now claiming the code he wrote is too complicated for him to figure out how much he owes – Charlie the tax loop hole Rangel(er). You have Tedddy anyone could have drowned in the backseat of my car Kennedy lecturing GWB for lying. You have all but two of the Demo-Dope “auto bailout Czars” driving foreign cars, how could that be hypocritical?

Well it just goes on and on and on and…..But let’s jump ahead to our latest two stunning examples of Demo-Dope hypocrisy. The Griffin called BS on the first one when Eric pardon me and Marc Rich Holder called us a nation of cowards. At nearly the exact same moment the Dear Leader’s Sec State was groveling to the ChiComs for a loan. Thunder Butt told the ChiComs that we wouldn’t let those nasty little human rights violations they engage in every day get in the way of stable relations as long as the ChiComs would just keep buying our debt.

I suspect if the ChiComs buy enough of the debt, the Shrilldabeast will be telling us that the ChiCom government’s crack down on freedom, religious and democracy movements is akin to our own crack down on Islamo-Terror-Fascists or better the Dear Leader’s crack down on bitter Americans clinging to their guns and Bibles. We can’t have any of that political descent stuff, or what is now called racism, in America now either. After all we’re in a crisis. Everyone knows that when you’re in a crisis you must make as many rash decisions on as many things as possible with little or no thought and NO opposition. Hell once the crisis is over it’d take years to get a 800 BILLION dollar package through congress.

So Holder is calling us a nation of cowards because in our perpetual discussion on race in this country, apparently whitey isn’t contrite enough for the things he never did. Meanwhile the head of State is in a communist country on bended knee stabbing the Chinese freedom movement in the back with one hand while begging for a loan with other. Talk about cowardly.

And then just yesterday there was the most laugh out loud, fall down, roll on the ground, laugh until your belly hurts bit of hypocrisy. The Dear Leader convened a fiscal responsibility seminar in D.C. The head Demo-Dope wants to - get this – cut the deficit in half in four years. YGBSM! Does this skinny little idiot even know that HE just doubled it a week ago?

You could not write a serious book, play or screenplay for this. It’d have to be a farce. Steve Martin in back face with two milk jugs taped to the side of his head for ears would play the part of the Dear Leader.

“Well ahh, sure ahh, we just ahhh doubled the ahhh debt yesterday. (Prat fall, after pie in the face) Ahhh but today we’re going to ahhh cut it in half. (Anvil falls on head followed with stepping on rake with rake handle to the face)”

Yet the MSM actually covered the Dear Leader’s BS straight faced. Griffin you get this. A purse comes into Feather Your Nest. It cost $10. FYN usually sells the purse for $20. But this is an unusual one. You want to get $40 for it. But $40 seems like a lot of money. So, you price it at $80, draw a big red X through the $80, add big red letters SALE 50% OFF and mark it at $40. The purse is gone before lunch. Woman brags to husband how she beat FYN out of $40 at dinner.

It’s exactly same here. The dopes who doubled the debt are now saying they’ll cut it in half. The big difference is that they ran the debt up with your money and they will buy it down with your money. If successful, and let's face it, no way they will be successful, Demo-Dopes will brag about reducing the debt that they ran up in the first place.

Bucket of paint falls on Mr. and Mrs. America's head - curtain closes.

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