Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How can you tell if the Dear Leader saved your job? Do you have one? He saved it!

I put my usual donation in the plate at church Sunday thereby saving or creating 4 million jobs. Holy cow Lex how much did you throw in? Doesn’t matter. By contributing I’m able to take credit for anything good that might happen. And, well, if nothing good happens it’s all George Bush’s fault.

This financial model is called “the Dear Leader reparations plan” that is set to “save” or create 4 million jobs. BS! First, is there any metric out there that measures “saved” jobs? This would be a whole new category of jobs that has never been reported before. I don’t ever recall any news report saying, “While unemployment increased by .5% this month, it's not as bad as it looks. 10,000 jobs were 'saved' by government’s heavy hand in commerce.” This whole thing, like the opening paragraph, is BS! It is a failsafe to guarantee success for the Dear Leader’s plan.

Think of it as an underdog sports team beating the spread but losing the game. So when unemployment rises (i.e. the Dear Leader loses), the Dear Leader can say, “Well, sure given George Bush’s crappy economy, what do expect? But think how bad it would have been if I had not dumped trillions of your dollars into Democrat causes. While we lost 1000,000 jobs this quarter, Nanny Pelousy told me that I saved in the neighborhood of 500 million jobs just yesterday alone. So we really won. Now, you should all get down on your knees and pay me proper homage.”

The reparations bill will pass in some form. I believe it will be a colossal failure that will lead to major league fraud, waste and abuse in the short run and nearly worthless dollars in the long run. There is not one shred of evidence that government can properly administer that much money being spent over such a short period of time. To the contrary, there is a mountain of evidence that they will screw it up in the first couple of hours.

But no matter what happens, Jug Ears and his MSM lemmings will claim that it is a huge success. How the hell? Well it’s simple. The Dear Leader has claimed the reparations bill will “save” or create 4 million jobs. So no matter what happens, as long as 4 million people have jobs, the Dear Leader can claim victory simply by claiming he saved the last 4 million jobs.

Why hasn’t anyone bothered to ask the Dear Leader or his buffoon press secretary what metrics they will be using to establish how many jobs were saved?

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