Monday, April 20, 2009

Demo-Dope logic; torture bad, killing good

On the act of spying, Sun Tzu said this, “Thus, what enables the wise sovereign and the good general to strike and conquer, and achieve things beyond the reach of ordinary men, is foreknowledge.” Pretty dang smart huh. I wish I had thought of that. Well how does the enemy get “foreknowledge”? Spies, that’s how.

Now spying is a dangerous and expensive business. Most times when spies are caught they are tortured and killed – except here were we house them in a state of the art prison where conditions are much better than for the average American criminal; we give them three squares a day and then let them go because someone violated their civil rights somewhere along the way. Getting information cost a lot of money. Sun Tzu said, “…to remain in ignorance of the enemy's condition simply because one grudges the outlay of a hundred ounces of silver in honors and emoluments, is the height of inhumanity.”

Well, wouldn’t you just know that the Dear Leader and his Larry, Curly and Moe administration are actively destroying enemy spy networks by making them unnecessary. Why should the enemy engage in such risky and costly behavior as spying when the Dear Leader will just tell them what they want to know for the cost of a subscription to the NY Times?

Make no mistake, when the Dear Leader released CIA memos on how the US goes about extracting information from the humane garbage they find on battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan, he gave great aid and comfort to our enemies. It’s like being handed the other team’s short yardage playbook or being given the questions for a test ahead of time. If some CIA guy sold the information to Islamo-Terror-Fascists, he would have been handsomely rewarded. If caught in the act of such treachery, they’d be tried and locked up. But the Dear Leader in his infinite wisdom decides, sure why not tell the enemy everything? It’s time we start reaching out to these people to demonstrate our strength…or something.

Now get this and tell why this isn’t fodder every late night comedy show. Torture such as making a guy stand naked, waking him up in the middle of the night, threatening to put a bug on him and other pranks school boys have been pulling since time began is bad. It’s so bad, we’ve actually been torturing ourselves for the last 6 years since the photos of Abu Ghraib first surfaced.

Then a Navy SEAL team shoots three teenaged Somali vermin dead and that’s OK. The EXACT same brain-dead Demo-Dopes wringing their hands over sleep deprivation at G'itmo are dancing in the streets over three simultaneous head shots off the horn of Africa. Don’t get me wrong. I’m quite happy the Somali thing worked out so well, but how can that action and the Demo-Dope reaction to it make an iota of sense given Demo-Dope demagoguery on G’itmo over the last 6 years? Sleep deprivation bad. Shot through the head good. It’s a Bizarro world.

Brings me back to an old Marine Corps motto, “Kill ‘em all and let God sort ‘em out.”

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