Friday, April 10, 2009

Stupid Demo-Dope tricks

A bunch of public school products and affirmative action hires from the Congressional Back Caucus traveled to Cuba to pay a visit to its Dear Leader - Fidel Castro. The report back from the delegates is encouraging. The delegates gushed that Fidel is alert and inquisitive, and he wants to know more about Martin Luther King. Apparently Fidel is a big fan of MLK. The three blind and brainless mice from the delegation never thought to ask Castro how MLK’s civil disobedience might have been handled in Havana in the early 60s. Fortunately, most of us know that MLK would have been sent away for “re-education” and never herd from again in Castro’s Cuba. But the congressional dopes - as if there's another kind - fell for Castro’s ruse proving that for these colossal fools, as long as everyone is living like a Cuban peasant, there’s no need for civil rights.

Lying, plagiarizing, king of the dolts, and Vice President of the United States, Slow Joe Biden said he told George Bush off during “hours” of private conversations. Bush White House officials said these conversations never took place. Karl Rove accurately called Slow Joe a lying blowhard. Slow Joe, not one to admit he’s dumber than nearly everyone drawing a breath, countered with, “Oh yeah, well it didn’t happen in the White House. It happened after church under that cone of silence thingy. So there Karl!” “Hours” of conversation under the cone of silence, out of ear shot from anyone, after church Slow Joe? Yeah riiiiiiiiiiight, that makes sense. Sit down Joe and have some ice cream. The men in the white coats will be along shortly. Scary to know the Dear Leader is the SMART one.

When is a bow not a bow? When it’s from the waist nearly to the feet in front of the oil manipulating, terror supporting, misogynist, Wahhabi nutball Saudi king; it’s performed by our own Dear Leader and it’s clear as the red nose on a clown’s face in photos. Then it’s not a bow. It’s merely the Dear Leader (get this because it’s important) leaning over - NOT BOWING DAMN IT - to shake the king’s hand, because the Dear Leader is soooooooooo much taller. Well first the Dear Leader would have to be the size of Andre the Giant and the king the size of Mini-me for that explanation to be plausible to anyone but the ignoramuses from the Congressional Black Caucus who visited Castro. The Dear Leader was either bowing or getting ready to pull a Barney Frank on the king, which is it? Hey White House, it was a BOW. It was a mistake. Admit it and move on. The denial confirms the fact that you are willing to lie about everything large and small.

The Dear Leader tells Turkey that America is not a Christian or Jewish nation just as Turkey is not a Muslim nation. OK the US is not a Christian nation or at least stopped acting like one in Jan 2009. But the Dear Leader is much dumber than most of give him credit for if he thinks – and apparently he does – that Turkey is not a Muslim nation. Turkey is a Muslim nation under precarious secular rule. Hey dopey, the Turkish national flag has a crescent and star, which are the universal signs Islam. Let’s try to replace the stars on our flag with white crosses and see what happens. When Danish cartoonists poked fun at Muhammad, Turkish practitioners of the “religion of peace” took to the streets, burned churches and murdered a Catholic nun. But if a bow is not bow for the buffoons currently occupying the White House why not say, “Turkey isn’t a Muslim nation”? Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?

But enough with idiots. Have a blessed Easter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As the Dear Leader awaits the poll results of which Wash DC church he should attend for Easter, I wonder what Michelle will wear. I suspect he will lean towards a multi-racial, non-denominational, oreo-style, congregation. Personal religious beliefs should not interfere with this decision. On the heels of this great decision the dear leader is headed to Neuter Dame, which he had getting bumped in the second round of the NIT Tourney. The great speech he is rehearsing daily. Will the Catholic Church send priests to Afghanistan with ACORN for new voter registration and will the church support his stimulus plan by borrowing trillions of dollars from NAMBA to be bet on Sea Biscuit XV in the 7th race at Santa Anita? Heady stuff. I hear Michelle is going for the hip-hop style with a 4foot gold chain saying ND ROCKS on it. Can't wait to see it. CNN reports his staff is also working hard to get to the Vatican for a one-on-one game of horse with the Pope. Will the dear leader bow (he is taller)to the Pope or kiss his ring? The staff are organizing the poll questions right now. Wonder what Michelle will wear (wwmww)? On this religious weekend my sources tell me the dear leader will be renaming Easter to remove the discriminatory flavor. It will be rotated every year. Next year it will be Wester, then Souther, then Norther, and back to Easter. He thinks of everything. This year's Easter dinner at the White House will have Slow Joe reminising about the hours he spent with Jesus at Katie's Resturant in Scranton talking boxers or briefs. It so much fun watching Pelosi try to roll her eyes as Slow Joe goes into high gear with the lamp shade caught in his implanted hairline. Hey WWMWW?. Break out the kiwis and latte's it's Easter-Wester-etc..whatever.

The Griffin.