Friday, April 17, 2009

Get while the getting is good

In a dissent of a 1949 case declaring a law that held certain speech - which “breeched the peace” - to be unconstitutional, some obscure Supreme Court Justice, named Robert Jackson first used the phrase, “the constitution is not a suicide pact.” While that might have been the first use of the exact phrase, the sentiment has been a round a long time. Jefferson used a Clintonian parsing of the same sentiment to find justification for the Louisiana Purchase. Lincoln had the same attitude when he suspended habeas corpus during the civil war.

Now Governors, including Texas’s Rick Perry, are using Justice Jackson’s phrase to justify their state’s potential exit from the union. On the surface you might think, well we’ve been down this road before and cost us over 600,000 Americans. But it is not as nutty as it seems in today’s climate.

We know the Dear Leader likes to “spread the wealth around.” Now we have a number of states, CA and MI for example, that are OK with taxing business to the point that it leaves and takes the tax base with it; which causes the state to stupidly raise taxes again; which drives individuals out the states; which causes the genius politicians in the those states to raise taxes again…this time on the last three people working in the private sectors their states.

Add to that scenario, these two states shamelessly pander to all manner of nutty ideas from gay marriage – no matter how many times the voters in the state reject the idea or by what margin; the UAW which thinks it’s no problem that its labor costs on average $35 an hour more in Detroit than the same American non-UAW labor costs Toyota and Honda in plants in the south; the teacher’s unions ruining American competitiveness for the last 30 years.

These same states pile state and federal entitlement on top of entitlement - not only for American citizens of the state but also for any ILLEGAL ALIENS from anywhere in the world who happen to wander into the state, while DHS is watching American war veterans for sedition. These havens for ILLEGAL ALIENS guarantee free health care, free primary and secondary education, free housing loans etc. etc. And now the Dear Leader thinks it’s a good time to make these ILLEGALS legal so they can become good Demo-Dope voters.

Meanwhile, TX has a relatively good economy but is expected to fund the Looney Tunes policies in the failed states. Seems like a good case to get out. Now I wouldn’t object if CA and MI left. I’d say good riddance. So I’d have to be OK with great states like Texas leaving. Besides, Texas would give us sort of a last line of sanity, a place to move to when our own states go down the socialist road. So I’m all for Texas getting out while the getting is good before the Deal Leader turns his economic pistol on them. I may go down and buy some land so my spot in paradise is secured.

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