Monday, April 27, 2009

Veterans latest group to be profiled by US government

As a military veteran who:
Is white
Owns guns
Goes to church
Hates politician of every stripe
Is opposed to ILLEGAL immigration
Is opposed to abortion

In short, a guy who marked by nearly every key identifier set fourth the now infamous Department of Homeland Security “watch list memo”, I’m happy to know that DHS will not be allowed to waterboard me when the eventual DHS knock the door comes. It's comforting to know that I can only be asked questions in a moderate tone for 8 hours a day and get three squares and a cot in a comfortably regulated room.

I’m also delighted to know that some slick lawyer will be able to get me off Scott-free due to government profiling in my case. That is one argument that has mysteriously disappeared from the argument against the DHS’s boneheaded memo.

When some guy at the FBI or CIA suggested that it might be a good idea to take a closer look at Muslim men buying one way tickets whith cash, CAIR, ACLU and every other nutroots organizations was up in arms about racial profiling. The person suggesting the common sense approach was demoted two pay grades, forced to undergo more sensitivity training and reassigned to an obscure border crossing in Montana.

Why Montana? Well as we learned from the jackass DHS secretary herself, that’s were terrorist go to enter the country. And since it’s not a crime, again to according the dolt who heads up DHS, to enter the country ILLEGALLY, we really need to be on our toes. Gee and all this time I though ILLEGAL meant something was ILLEGAL. Damn public schools.

Now that it’s white Christian men with military records – that’s military mind you, criminal records – being pursued by a brain-dead witch in the Dear Leader’s administration, racial profiling, which was a legal argument used like a gun against the government when the Bush administration wanted to look at actual terrorists, has completely disappeared. The authors of the memo are praised by the MSM as wise men, who should be promoted and given more responsibility. Why, do you suppose, that has happened?

Well, when that knock on the door comes late one night, I plan to call the ACLU and have them raise the profiling defense on my behalf. I’m sure they will be happy to rush to my aid. I’m sure the MSM will hammer the Dear Leader and the excrement sandwich he hired to run DHS until I’m freed and declared a national hero for bringing to light the heinous practices of profiling originating out of DHS.

BS doesn’t begin to describe this situstion.

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